Check Up (pt. 2)

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Well today's morning was one of a kind, Well... maybe, but we happily ate our breakfast and we were currently in the van. 

"Everyone enjoy today's breakfast?" I asked.

"It was great" Nayeon said.

"Not to mention delicious" Momo added

It wasn't a long ride to the JYP entertainment building but it wasn't a short one either.  We chatted along the way, some slept, and others were checking up on social media or just playing games.

"We're here!" I said parking the car.

We enter the building and we actually part ways because I had to go to Mr. Park for yet again another check up. I go up a few more floors and knock on his door.

"Come in" He said

I enter his room and I remember the time I was brought here to fill out my manager contract.

"So how have you been doing?" He said

"Not bad sir, just doing my job as usual" I said not trying to make eye contact. He's still my boss so I shouldn't look straight at him.

"Well as you know, I heard from the girls that your doing an excellent job" he announced.

"Just doing my job sir" I said with a smile.

"Not to mention saving a life" he mentioned.

"Well I'm pretty sure that it was in my contract" I said.

"But most people would have just saved themselves" he said.

"Well I'm always trying to do my best" I said getting that good feeling of being praised.

"I know I already gave you a raise but I'll just give you a little more as my thanks" he said going back to his work.

"Thank you sir I appreciate it, But was this the present you said you would give me?" I asked.

"Nope, you could say this is the first part of it" he said with a smirk.

I don't know why but the smirk looked a lot sinister than I expected. I'm pretty sure that something was going to happen to me pretty soon and it wasn't going to be pretty. I was about to leave the room and go to the girls but I forgot I didn't know their location.

"Do you know where the girls are by any chance, sir?" I asked turning back.

"I think hey might be in... one of the practice rooms" he said keeping his eyes on his computer.

I look at a map for the building and located the practice rooms and make my way there.  I thought that there was just one room but it turns out that there were... well a lot of them.  And the doors were made out of glass but it was the kind that was rough and you could see people inside but not clearly. I went back and forth and try to find the girls but it wasn't an easy task. So what I tried to do was just find a room that had a lot of people since Twice was a girl group of 9 members. I find one room and I open it and they were apparently guys so I apologized right away and left. I did this two more times and I gave up and called Mr. JYP for more formal directions. Well it turns out I was stupid and they were in a different kind of practice room...

...What and idiot I am...

Anyways I finally find the room and as I enter I see the girls practicing their choreography and singing. They were in the middle of practice so they just waved at me through the window and I did the same. I sat down on one of the couches and started to just look through my phone cause there really wasn't much to do.

*Hours later*

Tzuyu's Pov

We've been practicing for hours non stop trying to get all of our choreography right and thankfully memorize all the lyrics for our new song "Heart Shaker". The song was great and we really liked it.

"Let's take a break girls!" Jihyo said as we all fall flat on the floor catching our breaths.

"I been a while since we've worked like that" Jeongyeon said panting.

"I mean, if you mean only a couple of months than... Yeah" I said

"Oh shut up Tzuyu" Jeongyeon said which made me giggle.

Everyone just started to talk and I looked around the room and I noticed the Marcus oppa was here the whole time.

"Since when was he he-...wait... oh I remember now" I said remembering how he got here.

"We must've been practicing really hard if we forgot his presence" I said making my way to him.

His back was against the wall with his hands on his lap and his head looked like somebody was pulling him down. I squat down and put my arms around my legs and just decide to stare at him for a bit. His sleeping face looked so cute and I couldn't resist to poke his cheek.


One of his eyes twitched and we slowly opened his eyes as they were trying to adjust to the light in the room. He blinked a couple times and rubbed his eyes.

"Gah... How long was I out Tzuyu?" He asked.

"I'm not exactly sure but maybe about 3 to 4 hours?" I guessed.

"Dang that's a long time. Are you girls done?" He asked once again stretching his arms.

"Well we might go over the song a couple more times, why?" I replied.

"Just curious, I was thinking that I should head back home first and prepare lunch... well it's not exactly lunch if you look at the time but nah, I'll just wait for you guys to finish.

This oppa is just too kind. He was going to go home first but said he was going to wait but even if the went first, he was going to prepare dinner for us.

"Wait here" I said as I rushed back to my other members.

"Unnies! Let's put on a mini performance for Marcus oppa" I said.

"Oh! That sounds like a great idea Tzuyu!" Sana said squealing in excitement.

"I'm down for it" Jeongyeon said.

"I think that I'll be fun" Momo announced.

"Not just that but it'll help us too" Jihyo said.

We gather around closer to Marcus oppa and he looks at us with a confused face.

"Cue the music Chae!" Dahyun said.

The song started to play and so did we

And............. That ends this chapter. Wow it's been a while since I updated and I apologize for the short chapter. I had my midterm exams and they're over now and I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to collage anytime soon with the grades I have right now 😂. Thank you guys for reading and storing them in your reading lists. It's would be awesome if you could vote and amazing if you followed me. And also, comment, cause commenting could help me with the story or just be fun in general. So feel free to comment and if you happen to need anything personal or asking in general, DM ing me isn't a bad idea either. Take care and I'll see you guys in the next one. Bye~!

-TheWriting Pikachu

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