"What happened?" I asked all I could remember was when I was talking about Azazel.

"You passed out, we are trying to determine what's wrong but at the moment no one can find anything," he said, the worry on his face was clear and his voice wavered as he spoke. I raised my hand weakly cupping his face. 

"Alec I'm fine trust me" however, alec didn't look convinced.

"What were you and Jace talking about?" I asked, frowning when alec sighed.

"You don't need to know I don't want to make you any worse by stressing you out" I raised my eyebrow quizzically at him.

"I went to go talk to Magnus to ask him about Azazel and to see if he knew of any way to help you, but when I got there Azazel was talking with Magnus. I shot Azazel, banishing him but I shouldn't have done it because now Magnus is in Valentine's body and Valentine is in Magnus's body, which means Valentine now has magic," 

"Ahh so they pulled a Freaky Friday" I stated causing Alec to let out a small chuckle.

"Look I'll come and help you sort this out, Valentine needs to be stopped and I have magic so I can help..."

"No" he cut me off.

"You are staying in this room until you are cleared by the doctors" I frowned, pushing the covers off my body, sitting up, only for alec to push me back down.

"But I want to help,"

"No you're staying here and getting better okay?" he questioned, making me feel like I was a five year old being scolded by their parent.

"Fine. Now you go and do your best to fix this and be safe" he leaned down kissing me before he walked out of the room. I waited a minute until I knew he would be far enough away from the infirmary. I pushed back my covers, ripping out the wires that connected to my arms and planted my feet firmly on the floor. I quickly slipped on my clothes, aware of the fact that anyone could walk in and keep me here. Once I was dressed I stumbled my way out of the infirmary, gripping onto random objects to help me keep balanced. I only managed to make my way down the corridor, when Magnus appeared in front of me, a wicked smirk on his face. He raised his hand and the location changed to his apartment. I looked up at Magnus, aware that valentine had taken over his body. His hand reached out gripping onto my throat and squeezing. I weakly clawed at his hands, trying to pull them away so I could breathe. He let out a menacing laugh, before throwing me to the floor.

"Charlie!" I looked to my side to see Jace bound in chains. He looked me over, his eyes wide with worry as I struggled to prop myself up.

"What do you want Valentine?" I asked trying to prop myself up on my arms but they quickly gave way.

"Freedom," he said, before he raised his hand, sending Jace flying backwards towards a room, the door slamming shut. Magnus and Valentine stood over a potion, saying an incantation before they grabbed two cups filling them with the potion. I watched as the looked at each other before downing the contents of the cups. I watched with wide eyes as both men rose into the air, wind swirling around them. I raised my arm to cover my face as the wind thrashed around the room before coming to a halt, but men who had been suspended in mid air dropped, their glasses dropping with them.  As the glass hit the floor, they smashed and a large chunk of stray glass embedded itself deep into my leg. I let out a scream of pain, catching the attention of Valentine who started to crawl towards me. I used the little strength I had to crawl away, but he was getting closer and closer until Magnus landed on top of him, pulling him away from me.

I watched in horror as they fought too weak to intervene, when the doors to Magnus's apartment burst open, much to my relief revealing Alec, Clary and Sebastian. Their eyes flickered between the brawl and me. Clary set in motion first, grabbing onto Valentine and pulling away from Magnus, who quickly regained his composure and made a portal; Clary wasting no time and pushing Valentine through it.

Alec quickly ran over to me, his hand roamed my face as he searched me for injuries before his eyes landed on my leg. 

"This is going to hurt," he said and I nodded as he pulled the glass out of my leg, quickly pulling out his stele and drawing a rune. I let out a sigh as the pain quickly dissipated. Alec then started to stand up, pulling me with him. Sebastian who had been watching all the commotion quickly rushed over to help alec pick me up. Once I was on my feet, alec scooped his arms under me and picked me up bridal style. I slowly moved my hands to link around his neck. My head resting on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," He said as he struggled to move his head to look at me.

"Don't be, I'm safe now aren't I?" I said unable to move my head, a small smile playing at my lips as Alec carried me back.

Sarcasm - Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now