Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"

Start bij het begin

"I'm literally about to be right outside his place. I'll grab your stuff and be on my way." Alex reluctantly says. The phone agains up and moments later I find us pulling into a parking garage.

"Grab your bookbag Maya. I'm not sure how long this will take." Alexander instructs, reaching back and grabbing his phone from Maya. She pushes forward in her car seat with a confused gaze.

"I can't stay in the car with Mama?" She questions but nonetheless grabs her bookbag that day next to her.

"She's not staying in the car either. Cmon Sophia." Alexander instructs, unbuckling my seatbelt. I let out a groan before grabbing my phone as well. He jogs over to my side before opening the door, allowing me to exit the car and he moves to the next door before picking up Maya. She had swung her bookbag onto her back and was now on Alexander's hip.

In no time, we are in a elevator and on our way to the floors. I learn from observation that there are two rooms on each floor and sixteen floors. Makes no sense to me but it's okay.

"I thought you were tired and wanna go home." Maya remarks, wiping her eyes. We get off at a the 3 floor and Alexander ignores his daughters remark. He turns to the left and goes to the only door on this side of the hall before knocking harshly.

We stand for a moment while Maya tightens her grip and lays her head into her fathers shoulder and I let out a baby dinosaur yawn and rub at my eyes. Alexander knocks again.

The door swings open this time, revealing a tall man with curly hair and green eyes. He's spinning his nose ring around and he isn't wearing a shirt. Instead, he's wearing only a pair of gym shorts.


"Uncle Tony! Why'd you tell us to come here if you already we-"

"Welcome home!" Anthony says, shoving a pair of keys into my hands.


"Welcome to your new home. Come in, come in why don't you?" Anthony ushers is in while I look around in surprise.

"This is our new apartment," Alexander says nervously. I'm froze in the door way while Alexander stands next to me.

I look around at the nice and soft interior. The living room was perfect. A dark black coffee table sat on a nice fuzzy grey rug, the same color grey decorating the couches the took up most of the space in the room. There's a built in book shelf in the corner of the room. Anthony falls back onto the couch, kicking his feet up into the coffee table.

"Look around, don't just stand there with your mouth wide open. I might be tempted to fill it," Anthony teases while Alex puts a squirming Maya down on the ground.

My mouth shuts as I begin to look around more.

"What is going on? Alex?" I question again. Alexander's hand goes to my shoulder and he turns me to gaze at him.

"It's our apartment. We only have one set of keys so, they are yours right now. Do you like it?" Alex asks softly while Maya runs up the stairs.

"When the hell did all of this happen?" I ask, moving my hands around.

"You don't like it." He says. He pulls away before looking at his identical brother, snapping at him.

"Find another one." Alexander demands at Anthony who looks at him with furrowed eyes. "I'm not getting pai-"

"Stop, I love it." I breathe out. I can't even see most of the apartment except the living room, but I know I love it. When did he have the time to do all of this? To decorate it?

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