twenty two*

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It was Monday morning and I was getting ready for school. Dally had stayed the night so he was also here. He wanted to sleep in instead of getting ready so I just left him.

After I showered and was dressed, I started on breakfast just making some eggs. Once I was done, I heard the doorbell ring.

Walking over to it, I was curious as to who it was. If it were the boys, they'd just walk in so it couldn't have been them.

I opened the door and to my surprise I saw Cherry Valance. I stood there confused for a moment then finally spoke up.

"Hi Cherry. What are you doing here?" She was holding a small basket with some cookies in it.

"I just wanted to give these to you. I baked them the other day for you. I guess we're neighbours now!" She tried to be as excited as she could but was failing.

I gave her credit for at least trying though. "Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem."

Before shutting the door I said: "Maybe we can hangout sometime. I hate the whole greaser against Soc thing so maybe we can try to get along." She was trying so I decided to try too.

She nodded. "Maybe just once. Don't get offended if I don't say hi to you at school or anything though. Bob wouldn't be too happy and you know how these guys get." I knew exactly what she meant because Bob and Grayson nearly act the same way. Grayson is just 10 times for intense.

"Yeah I get it. Well thank you. See you later." I said before shutting the door.

I sighed walking towards my bedroom and jumping on the bed on top of Dally. He groaned which made me laugh. I pecked his lips.

"Time to get up sleepyhead."

He groaned again then grabbed my waist and pinned me down next to him. He hovered over me then buried himself into the sheets again as he placed his face into my neck.

I giggled. "Dally come on! We have school." I tried to get up but his grip on me was too strong.

"Who was at the door?" I heard him mumble.

"Cherry Valance." I responded and immediately his head went up.

I explained why she came over and he just nodded then buried his head in my neck again.

"Can we skip today?" He asked.

"I wish but I have a test." He groaned again but it was longer. He wouldn't get off of me.

"I need to get up Dally." I giggled.

He sighed and let go of me letting me get up and go to the kitchen.

"Breakfast is ready when you wanna eat it!" I yelled from the kitchen but I was sure he went back to sleep. Typical Dally.

I ate, brushed my teeth, packed my things and walked back to my bedroom giving Dally a kiss before heading to school.


I spent my lunch in the library to go over my notes for my test so I didn't see if Dally decided to come to school or not today. I just assumed he skipped.

To my surprise, we approached me at my locker before I headed home. We walked together with the other boys to my house. They all hung out while I got ready for another day at work.

I allowed them to stay in my house for as long as they wanted as long as they don't trash it and they agreed.

When I arrived at work, I threw my hair up and tied my apron. Towards the end of my shift, to my surprise Grayson and the Socs walked in.

I sighed knowing that it was my table to take since it was a busier day. I approached them confidently, trying to avoid eye contact.

"What can I get you?" I asked the five soc boys.

"You." One of them popped out and I rolled my eyes.

"Too bad I'm not on the menu or available at all for that matter." I mumbled.

They ordered their things and I went and got their drinks prepared while the chefs were cooking the food.

"Hey M."

I sighed. "What do you want Grayson?" I turned around, annoyed.

"Woah, chill babe." He joked. "I just think that we should talk." He said innocently when he knew that he wasn't.

I turned back around to finish the drinks. "Not gonna happen."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I don't wanna talk to you."

"Come on baby. Just five minutes, that's all I need." He begged and I knew he wouldn't stop.

"Fine. My shift is done in 10 minutes. Can you wait?" I gave in.

"Sure." He winked and walked back to his booth.

I sighed.

What the hell am I getting myself into?

Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Where stories live. Discover now