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Same old Soc

I walked into the unfamiliar building and sighed deeply. I looked at my schedule for the semester and confusingly walked around the crowded halls looking for my English class.

"You look lost."

"Oh thank god." I smiled at Ponyboy who grabbed my schedule and brought me to my Geography class.

"Thank you Pony."

"Not a problem." He went back to his classroom and I found an empty seat in my class.

Class had begun and we started right away. 20 minutes had passed and a familiar face was in my view. Grayson Dolan.

I sighed abruptly. Of course he's in my class. That's just my luck.

"Be on time tomorrow Mr.Dolan." The teacher let him pass for today but I'm sure her kindness wouldn't last. He pulled stunts like skipping class even when we were in Texas.

"Mhm." He practically ignored the teacher and glanced around the room at all the students in the classroom. I put my hand over my face, looking down at my paper.

I thought he would take the only empty desk in the room but didn't. He picked on the kid who sat next to me. I think his name was Todd or something.

"Get up." He demanded.

"But this is my spot." The kid stuttered. Clearly he was scared of Grayson.

"Move. Now." I would've been completely frightened if I were that kid. In fact, I already was frightened of Grayson.

The kid collected his books and bag and walked over to the empty desk at the front of the classroom.

"Hey sweetheart." Grayson said sitting down. I ignored him not wanting to talk.

He scooted closer to me. He pulled my hair out of my face.

"Oh. Maria." He said disappointed. He didn't stop though.

"Move your hand now and leave me alone." I wasn't playing games.

He backed off a bit and I got to my work again. After a few moments he leaned back towards me.

"It's okay. Dally doesn't have to know. It can be our little secret babe. I know how much you miss my touch." He whispered in my ear while he ran his hand up my shirt.

I slapped his hand away. "Keep your hands to yourself. now." I almost yelled.

He finally backed off for good.


I met up with Pony, Johnny, Two-Bit and Steve so we could all walk home together. They informed me that Dally skipped halfway through which didn't surprise me. Then I thought of the embarrassment that Grayson put on me this morning.

Why couldn't he just leave me the fuck alone?

"How was everyone's day?" Ponyboy asked us all.

I couldn't think of good words. I felt uncomfortable and unsafe. God knows that Graysons capable of a lot and I'm not just talking about sexually.

"Good." Johnny said. Steve and Keith said the same and then they all looked at me for my response.

The thoughts of Grayson clouded my mind. Then what he said about Dally.

"Dally doesn't have to know. It can be our little secret babe."

I remembered his hand running up my back. If I hadn't stopped him, what would he have done? I wondered. It's not like he could've done anything anyway. Not that I would've allowed him.

And the fact that he thought that me and Dally were dating made me mentally laugh. Dallas Winston doesn't do relationships. At least other than Sylvia. If anything, he's almost as bad as Grayson. The difference is that he knows when to stop and he has some respect for people but Grayson is completely different.

Dally has the tuff act all around him. He's veryyyyy handsome. He has the ability to make a girl go crazy with just a wink or smile. His bad boy act is a huge turn on but sometimes you question it. In his eyes you can see how cold he is but he has a big heart. I've seen the way he treats everyone around him. It's like he thinks they're below him. But the way he treats Johnny is different. He really cares for him.

Grayson is...well...Grayson. He's very attractive and just like Dally, he can make you go insane with just a touch. He doesn't have hatred in him but he has defeat in himself. It's all an act to fit in or to be the tougher brother. He compares to his brother a lot. He only cares for himself and not others. I'm scared of what he's capable of because one bet could make him do something really stupid.

"Maria?" Johnny threw me out of my thoughts.

I brushed off everything I was thinking of.

"Oh, it was alright I guess." I shrugged. I couldn't lie to them but I also didn't want them to worry.

"Am I gonna have to take someone out?" Steve jokes.

I was surprised as to what slipped out of my mouth. "Good luck."

His face went blank.

"You were being serious?" Pony asked surprised.

shit, shit, shit.

I didn't answer him. How could I? I can't just outright say "hey, this Soc who is also named Grayson who is also my ex is trying to be sexual with me." It just doesn't work like that.

"Maria, what is it?" Pony asked.

"It's nothing. I promise." I lied.

Johnny who was walking next to me grabbed my shoulder.

"You sure?"

"Nothing I can't handle." I responded. It was true. Grayson might be intimidating but I can tease him and control him just as much as he thinks he can to me.

We got to my house.

"See you guys later. Thanks for dropping me off." I smiled waving to them and walking inside.

"Hey Maria."

Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Where stories live. Discover now