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Not how greasers act

I wasn't suspended because I was new to the school. Instead, they gave me detention for a week and I took it.

Two-Bit picked me up from the office after I discussed the situation with the principal.

"I don't know what to say Maria." He sighed while we walked back to his house.

"What do you mean? I was defending us." If he was going to be mad at me then fine, but he also needs to know that I had a good reason for what I did.

"We don't start fights Maria." That was a lie because everyone knew that Dally did. Then again, he was the only one who always started fights.

"You can't be mad at me. Sooner or later she was going to jump me."

"But you could've just defended yourself. Those other Socs were ready to jump on you when you almost knocked her out." He was acting like my parent and I wasn't having it. "You need to think before you act, Maria."

I thought about that. Think before I act. That's all I've been doing and it just gets more and more complicated by each situation.

"Just stay as far away from the Socs as you can until they settle down again."

"That's the problem Keith! They're not going to settle the fuck down!" He looked at me confused. Then I realized that I said something I shouldn't have.

I wasn't ready to tell him about Grayson and my connection with the Socs. But I knew that he needed to be aware of it sooner or later.

"I'm the 'leader', Grayson Dolan's ex." I then began to explain the rest on the rest of the walk home.

He seemed unsure of what to say or do. Finally he spoke up after thinking.

"We need to talk to Darry and the rest of the gang." After saying that his eyes went wide. I heard him mumble something.

"That's why Dally is acting like this."

"Acting like what?" I asked.

He shook it off motioning that it was nothing but I wasn't having it. I've been in the dark about a lot things and I'm not being closed off to another secret.


"Fine." He gave in already. "Dally's been very protective of you since that night at Tim's party. I knew that something had happened but he never said a word." He explained and I partly understood.

Dally is trying to protect me.

I smiled at the thought of that, then quickly brushed it off thinking nothing else of it because Dally doesn't care about anyone or anything.

We arrived to our house and I sat down in the living room. Before I could grab the TV remote, Keith snatched it.

"Homework first." He demanded.

I groaned and mumbled a 'fine' then walked to my bedroom opening my books.


I spent hours doing my homework. I really wanted to keep my grades up for college because it was really important to me. Having detention on my records wasn't a great thing but it couldn't be a huge set back for me.

I came home at around 12:15PM and I'd just finished at 2:20PM.

I decided to take a study break and go to the diner. I hadn't heard anything back about my application but I thought I'd give it another try.

"Heading to the diner. Want the regular?" I asked Keith as I put on my sneakers and grabbed my backpack, shoving my wallet in it.

"You bet." Two-Bit was always eating. All of the boys were. They'd swallow their dinner so quickly then would want more food.

Two-Bit's regular was a chocolate milkshake, double cheeseburger with every topping and a side of fries with ketchup. Man, this guy likes to eat. Sometimes he'd even take some of my food because I wouldn't be able to finish it.

When I arrived at the diner, I had asked for our orders. My order was just a 7up and fries with extra salt.

Every time I went to Jenny's Diner I'd found something I loved more. I came in here all the time to write, to hangout, to do homework, or just to find someone new to talk to. Actually, this is where I met my new friend Alexis (Alex to me).

We were so much alike. She was also on the greaser side of town. We got along very well but never haven't really hung out since she's been so busy with family things.

My order was served to me in a greasy, brown paper bag and my two drinks were in a tray. I paid for everything then put the bag in my backpack.

I then asked about my application.

"Hey, I applied for a job here a couple of weeks ago and haven't heard anything. That mean I didn't get the job?" I asked.

"What's your name, doll?" The older woman asked while looking through applications.

"Maria Mathews." I smiled and she gave me one in return.

She handed me two pieces of paper. I read it carefully.

Thank you for applying at Jenny's Diner. We're pleased to inform you that you will be joining the business!

There were other things on the papers explaining where to sign my name and showing my schedule and other stuff. I squealed in excitement. I couldn't believe I got the job.

I signed my name after reading the rest of the papers and returned the one without my schedule to the lady. "Thank you so much! See you soon!"

She smiled and waved as I left the diner.


"Here." I tossed Keith the greasy brown bag of food and placed his milkshake on the table.

"Thanks." He said shoving the burger in his face.

I nodded. "I got the job." I smiled slightly.

"Congratulations Maria!" He was truly excited for me which made me even more excited.

"Thanks." I mumbled before heading to my room with my food to finish my homework.

Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Where stories live. Discover now