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Hey, let's talk.

It's been almost a month and Dally and I haven't really made any big comments towards each other. He skipped so much school that you could say he's practically a drop-out.

I miss him but I need to move forward a bit. I barely saw him at the Curtis house or with the gang. And during the past month, it was rare for me to see him with one small, slight smile on his face. It hurt my heart.

It was October. Fresh air filled the town, everyone seemed to be themselves and were adjusting to school again.

I had to work after school until closing time due to me taking over someone's shift. I had a lot more money to spare for later on. God knows that college will cost quite a bit of money if I don't get any scholarships and I'd like to get my own place soon.

I headed out of the school when the bell went.

"Maria!" I heard Ponyboy yell in a distance from behind me. I sighed knowing that he was with Dally and Dally was probably going to kick his ass later for calling me over.

I kept walking and pretended like I couldn't hear him. I just wanted to get home in peace.

I heard someone running behind me but I didn't hesitate to keep walking because I knew it was Pony.

"Hey, I was calling you back there but I guess you didn't hear me." He remarked and I nodded.

We slowed our walking pace down a bit.

"How was your day?" He tried to make conversation because the silence was too awkward.

"Okay, I guess." I shrugged. "You?"

"Half decent." He smiled.

I saw him peak behind his shoulder then heard for footsteps behind us but they weren't running, just walking. I hadn't noticed how slow Pony and I were walking until Steve, Johnny and Dally has caught up to us.

I crossed my arms and started to walk a bit faster. To my surprise, they walked at my pace.

"Can we slow down?" Johnny said in between breaths. They all started walking slower but I kept my pace.

"Maria. Why are you walking so fast?" Ponyboy asked. I stopped and turned around.

"I have to work in an hour until closing time. I also have a ton of homework to get done so I really need to get going." I was agitated. I didn't mean to take it out on them.

"Oh...sorry." Pony sighed. I turned back around and continued to walk. I felt bad about my comment earlier that I had made a new one.

"Y'all coming?" I asked walking at a slower pace. They were my friends after all.

They all caught up and walked with me. Dally popped right beside me which made me uncomfortable.

I looked him straight into his cold, black eyes. He still had some softness there but only seemed to be there when I was with him, or for Johnny. I noticed that and smiled to myself then looked back down.

"Can we talk later?" I heard his deep, raspy voice whisper in my ear which made me shutter. As always, Dally made me go crazy.

I bit my lip, trying to hold myself together and nodded still looking down.


"Maria! Table three needs a waitress!" Anne yelled and I ran from the back into the main entrance. I grabbed my notebook and pen. It was Thursday night, one of our busiest nights. Everyone just seemed to come on Thursday nights because Fridays and saturdays were for parties, Sunday's were busy in the afternoon.

Thankfully, it was the end of the night so we were closing in about 45 minutes. It really surprised me that anyone would be coming in this late.

I walked over to the booth not knowing who would be there. The boys.

"Hey guys!" I smiled. Them being the last customers made my entire night so much better.

"Hey M." Johnny responded.

Two-Bit and Dally had been sitting on one side of the booth together. Two-Bit was telling Pony a joke who was sitting next to Johnny on the other side of the booth. Dally was sitting there with his arms resting on top of the booth seats.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" I asked.

They all their usual orders.

Two-Bit got a chocolate milkshake. Johnny got a strawberry milkshake and Pony and Dally both got sodas.

I walked away getting their drinks then bringing them back immediately. Then I took their food orders. Bringing it to the back. I had gone to my other two tables bringing orders back and forth.

A half an hour had passed and the only customers left were the boys. We were pretty much closing up the diner so I took off my apron and cleaned up before grabbing some extra fries and a Soda to have as my dinner. I tossed all of my things in my backpack and sat down next to Johnny in the booth. There was just enough room for me.

We all chatted about our nights and then left when Anne had kicked us out.

Johnny and Pony walked to the Curtis house together. Johnny was staying with them tonight because his parents locked him out. Dally, Two-Bit and I all walked to our house. Dally still wanted to talk to me.

Two-Bit walked inside the house while me and Dally stayed outside to talk.

I sat down on the steps of the front porch Dally stood up and leaned against the outside wall of the house. He lit a cigarette and took a hit immediately.

I sat there quietly, enjoying the silence of the night.

"What the hell happened that night?" He broke the silence.

"What night Dally? There are several." I said sarcastically which made his eyes grew darker and colder.

He sat down next to me, while smoke escaped through his lips.

"You know what I'm talking about." He said calmly which surprised me. I wasn't calm though. I was freaking out.

"The one where you left me and did god knows what with the Socs? Or the one where you completely ignored me until I noticed you and Alex? Or was it the one where I was unconditionally kind to you after you refused to tell me anything about what happened?" I was nearly shouting. Anger grew from my veins all the way through my body. I couldn't take it anymore. Nothing made sense. I was lost and confused.

"When is it going to end, Dally?" I looked down at my sneakers.

He sat there quietly. "When will what end?"

I sighed. "All of the lies and secrets. Why do you want me one day and then don't the next?" I begged for an answer. "It's killing me." I wasn't going to start crying or get really emotional but I was disappointed and upset. I really didn't know what else to say.

A few moments of silence passed and I was done. I got up and headed towards the door. When I opened it, he shot up.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

I ignored and walked into the house.

"Wait." I stopped.

"I'll tell you everything."

Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu