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My first day

To my surprise, Dally hadn't called or came to visit me last night. I hadn't heard anything from the gang either than Pony dropping by to see how I was. He was calling my bruises tuff.

Two-Bit did see Darry, though. He decided to tell him and we'd talk to the whole gang tonight after my detention.

Then again, it was technically Dally's too. He's been skipping class. Shocker.

I was just relieved that I had no suspension and I knew that I'd bare detention for an hour after school everyday.


Detention had finished. Dally and I couldn't talk because he sat at the other side of the classroom and fooled around with some other greasers I didn't know. He was told several times to shut his trap but disobeyed.

"You're all dismissed." The detention teacher spoke as students ran out of the classroom cheering.

I stood up stretching a bit and then grabbing my bag. I turned around and noticed that Dally was walking out of the classroom with his other friends so I tried to catch up with him.

"Dally Wait!" I walked next to him and he avoided me.

He acted as if I wasn't there and it made me angry. Why was he acting like this?

He walked off with his friends and left me standing in the middle of the hallway completely embarrassed.


I explained everything to the gang. Of course Dally wasn't there but I assured them that he was the first to know.

Everyone reevaluated their opinions on the matter but we all decided to protect each other from Grayson for a while.

"Guys. There's something else." I mentioned. All of their attention went back to me which made me nervous.

"I don't know what Dally's up to, but ever since that night he disappeared he hasn't said a word to me. You know what I'm talking about Pony? The one where I was at the diner and you left when I mentioned him leaving. He's been avoiding me and I'm sure that night is why he wasn't here tonight. I'm worried." I stated. It was unlike dally to act this way towards all of us. It was like he was even colder than before which seemed impossible.

"We'll figure out everything with Dally later." Darry assured me which calmed me down a bit.

"You better head off. Don't wanna be late on the first night of your job!" Darry added. Somehow he seemed to memorize everyone's schedule. He was literally the dad of the gang which made me laugh to think about but it was true.

"Right!" I snatched my things from the living room and headed out right away to the diner.


I put on the apron and tied my hair up in a high pony. I put my mini notebook in the pouch of my white apron and tucked the Jenny's Diner pen behind my ear.

I admired my blue dress underneath the apron. I adored it.

"Can you take that table Maria?" Anne asked me and I nodded nervously. It was my first table to take and I didn't want to mess up.

I walked over to the booth in the corner of the diner and realized that it was Dally with some of the greasers he had been with before. I stood in front of the table with my pen and notebook in my hands. My face went blank when I saw Dally's arm around some girl. Alex.

I nearly dropped my pen and paper which caused him to glance over at me and send a shocked expression.

That's right idiot. I work here.

Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Where stories live. Discover now