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What the hell is going on?!

"Dally? What're you doing here?" I asked setting my bag down.

He stood up straight. "That Soc the other night. You knew him. What's his name?" He asked.

"Grayson..." he nodded and headed for the door and I got nervous. My palms started warming up.

"Wait Dally." He stopped. "Why?"

He ignored me and walked out the house. I followed him out and ran down the street catching up with him.

"Dally Wait!" I yelled but he kept walking. "What the hell is going on?" I begged for him to tell me. If it had to do with Grayson I knew it wasn't going to be good in any way.

"Listen to me." He finally turned around and put his hands on my shoulders. "You-you need to promise me that you'll stay in that house and you will not follow me." Through his eyes I saw worry that was covered by his bad boy act.

I sighed. "What is going on?"

"Go back inside." He turned back around but I grabbed his hand turning him around.


With that, Dallas Winston kissed me. It was a sweet and passionate kiss that I've never experienced before. Soda was always soft and innocent. Grayson was always hard and rushed. But dally was in between, it was perfect.

He turned back around and left. My mind was going everywhere. I was in shock that he kissed me. Then I remembered what was happening.

"Dally, please! Just explain!" I begged and begged until I was tired. He wasn't going to tell me. He was too stubborn. I stormed away. I decided to go to the diner and get something to eat.


"Thanks." I smiled at the waitress when she handed me my vanilla milkshake.

I was thinking. A lot.

Not just thinking about Dally but about Grayson and Soda and what's happened since I came here.

I knew I'd have to get a job eventually. I can't just rely on what I have. I thought about the diner when I thought about getting a job. I've always wanted to be a waitress or just work at a diner in general. Maybe this is my chance.

I wondered and wondered of what Dally was doing. I was worried. Anything that has to do with Grayson is complete trouble. Dally could probably kick his ass if they got into a fist fight but knowing Grayson it would be more than that. He would pull out a blade or something. That scared me.

I ran my hands through my hair and completely lost my appetite for the milkshake. I pushed it away before I got sick just looking at it. I couldn't imagine what was going to happen to Dally or even Grayson for that matter.

I sighed. I wasn't sure what to do with my night so I brought my homework to finish. I knew that I needed to work hard for college applications soon. As much as I didn't really care for school or anything, I knew that college would get me somewhere in the future.

I'd always imagined having a lovely husband and kids. I've always wanted to live in a little house in the mountains of Tennessee. I'd just be happy. But recently it's changed.

I don't even know if I want to get married anymore, let alone have kids. I'd rather live in an apartment in the city than live quietly. I just want to have fun.

My attention was sent towards the door of the diner as the bell rang. I saw Ponyboy come over and sit with me.

"Hey." He smiled.


He looked at the milkshake, then back at me.

"I didn't drink any of it. You want it?" He nodded in response as I pushed it over to him. He took sips like he's never tasted a milkshake that good.

I sat there awkwardly for a minute.

"Where's Dally?" I blurted out. I fumbled with my fingers nervously as pony sat there confused.

"What?" His eyes met mine. He didn't know either.

"Long story short, he asked me about one of the Socs we saw the other night and then left angrily. He left like it might be the last time he'd see me." I was truly worried. I don't want him hurt.

Ponyboy looked down nervously. "No." He whispered shutting his eyes.

My eyes went wide. "What is it Pony?"

"He might be in trouble. Stay here, I'm going to get the gang. I'll be back soon." He stood up and ran out of the diner.

Once again, I was left alone without any answers.

Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum