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The awkwardness of it all

I was wearing high waisted light blue skinny jeans with a blood red tube top and a black choker. My hair was down and straightened and my black combat boots topped off the outfit. I applied some light makeup like mascara, blush and lip gloss.

I walked out of my room seeing Two-Bit, Steve, Sodapop and an unfamiliar face. A girls face. I assumed right away that it was Sandy since Soda's arm was around her waist.

I walked right up to her shaking her hand. "I'm Maria. Two-Bit's cousin. You must be Sodapop's girlfriend. Sandy, right?" I smiled.

"Yes. Nice to meet you." She signed me a beautiful smile showing off her pearly whites. Her blush pink tank top stood out to me while her light blue jeans fitted her legs perfectly. She wore white tennis shoes to top it off with her long platinum blonde hair curled lightly. She was stunning. Killer body, tall, not a spot on her face had a flaw. I could see why Soda likes her.

"Should we head out?" I asked. They all answered with nods.

Before we headed out, I noticed Sandy wearing a gold locket around her neck. It was beautiful. It had Soda's initials carved in cursive on top of the locket.

I complemented her on it as we walked Bucks for the party.

"That's a beautiful locket." I smiled.

"Oh thanks! This guy can surprise you sometimes." She looked at Soda and winked which made me a bit uncomfortable. They exchanged smiles then went back to just walking and holding hands.

When we reached Bucks, we walked right in. I spotted the bar and walked over there right away looking for the strongest alcohol beverage they had. I needed to wash my emotions away.

Sure enough, Dally pops behinds me.

"Just give her what I have." He demanded.

I looked over my shoulder then back in front of me.

"This better be strong." I spoke about the drink.

He laughed.

"The worst thing you can do is drown your memory with alcohol. Trust me, I'd know." He informed me. I got annoyed really quickly.

"I'll take my chances, thanks." I sounded like a complete bitch but I didn't care. I wasn't in the mood to be told what I should and shouldn't do.

The bartender handed me the drink and I took it downing half the cup. I felt a bit of burning down my throat, but it wasn't anything foreign.

I faced Dally again and noticed him staring at my ass once again.

I sighed. "What do you want Dally?" I asked.

"Hm?" He was confused.

"What do you want from me?" I sighed.

"I can't give it to you yet." He bit his bottom lip which made me go crazy. He was so attractive that it hurt. I brushed my fingers through my hair.

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm not sure if you can handle it."

"Try me."

"Not now." He growled. "Let's go." He grabbed my hand and we headed to the pool tables watching the games that were being played.

In a distance, I saw Soda and Sandy together and it tore me apart. Maybe I wasn't over it after all. Maybe I was just avoiding the fact that I still liked him and I just didn't want to admit my feelings.

I went to take another sip from my cup but realized it was empty. "I need another drink." I mumbled to Dally before walking over to the bar.

After I ordered my drink, Soda walked next to me.

"Hey." He sighed awkwardly.


"Thanks for being kind to Sandy. Not everyone in the gang is too fond of her." He looked down shamefully.

"Sorry to hear that." I sent him a slight grin. I received my drink.

"See you later Soda." I walked back over to Dally and tried to have fun.


We were having fun. I still had no words for the Soda part. What could I say?

Hey Soda. I still really like you. Maybe still love. You should breakup with your girlfriend of god knows how many months so we can be together.

I think the fuck not.

Plus, I need to learn how to really get over someone I once loved. Avoiding them isn't the answer. I just need closure. I need to find someone else I love more and someone who loves me unconditionally.

For now, I just wanted to have fun and live in the moment. Life's too short to be thinking about my feelings right now.

Dally and I had this bond. A connection. Last year we didn't but I got my true self over the past year and things have changed. Dally hit on me last year, but once Soda and I got together officially he laid off. I guess that's what they do for one another. Be supportive and happy for each other. That's true brotherhood.

"Hey baby." Dally whispered in my ear in a sexual way. Clearly, he was wasted.

I giggled. "You're wasted dally."

While wrapping his arms around my waist, he groaned.

I grabbed his arm. "We need to get you sobered up."

I brought him to the bar and asked for some water. I handed Dally the cup telling him to drink it and he obeyed.

"Why don't we go get you something to eat?" I asked.

"Anywhere with you babe." He nodded and we headed out to the diner which was a 5 minute walk from the party.

Before leaving the party, I told Two-Bit where we were going.

"Let's go." I smiled.

Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Where stories live. Discover now