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Get to know each other

"You look hot." Dally checked out my ass and I turned around and laughed.

"Still as much of a dick since the last time I seen ya?"

"What can I say? It's just my personality." He popped the cigarette in his mouth, then took it out blowing out the smoke from it. "You've changed a lot since the last time I seen you."

I sighed in frustration. "Everyone's saying that. I haven't changed. This is me it's always been me."

"Hey, I ain't sayin' I don't like it because I do. But you used to wear dresses like a child and you were so innocent. Swearing was a sin for you and now you have a huge mouth." He joked. He was right though. I used to act almost like a Soc. I have the money but the main thing was that my parents set that life for me. The life of a Soc. Now that they're gone I can truly be myself. A greaser.

"Yeah you're right. I was all sweet and innocent but I just ain't hidin' myself anymore." I said. He nodded as we reached the library. He held the door open for me and we walked inside.

I started looking for the student section spotting my geography book.

Dally followed behind me like a puppy still holding his cigarette.

"So are you and Soda okay now?"

I thought for a minute. Were we okay? Were we friends? I wasn't sure. All I'm sure of is that he's with Sandy and that's that.

"Couldn't tell." I mumbled reaching for my math textbook but I was too short.

"Here." Dally grabbed the book off the top shelf and handed it to me. "What happened between you two?"

We walked to the other side of the library. "Well, I had stayed the summer with you guys to get away for a bit. I didn't want to fall in love but Soda is just so amazing. We were just so in love. When I asked my folks to stay here they refused so I broke up with Soda and went back home." Saying it out loud made it all sound more real. It never felt like it truly ended between me and Sodapop. Maybe this is the closure I'll be getting.

"Hey! No smoking in here!" The librarian yelled from her desk. Dally rolled his eyes and ignored her.

I grabbed my last two books. History and science.

"Sorry to hear that. Soda was pretty broken after you left. I'll admit, we all missed you so much." We head to the lady's desk to pay for the books.

"Awh. Dallas Winston missed me." I teased him. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Don't let it get to your head."

"Dallas Winston. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The lady kindly asked him as I paid for my books.

"It's okay. We're on our way anyway." I responded to her with a smile. She returned one and we exited the library.

"Other than jail, how have you been?" I asked as we headed back home.

"The same." He admit and it didn't surprise me.

"How's uh... what's her name? Sylvia?" I asked.

"It's done. She was two timing me while I was in jail." He brushed it off like it was nothing.

I grabbed the cigarette from his hand and he gave me a questioned look.

"I've always wanted to try it. Just let me." I said in a convincing tone and he agreed. I took a hit of the cigarette and I felt the smoke enter my lungs. It felt relaxing. I returned it to him.

We took a turn down an ally. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"The lot. I'm sure the guys have moved over there now." I nodded and let him lead the way.

When we arrived to the lot, the guys were playing football which didn't surprise me. That's pretty much all they did all summer last year. Football, TV, work, parties. Between all them they each had their own personal things outside of the gang but it seemed like the gang was more of their priority because school sure as hell wasn't. Most of them had dropped out.

The guys spend the rest of the day playing football. I decided not to play because it wasn't something I was really interested in. At around 4:30PM we all made our way to the local diner for dinner.

As much as Dally annoyed me, I had to say that he was really good looking. Like satan's ass is on fire hot.

I seemed to have a weird connection with him like no one I've ever had one with before. It was different than me and sodapop's. We were very romantic with each other. Two-Bit and I were on more of sibling terms and Ponyboy and I were like best friends. But dally is different. He's more. It's indescribable. I just knew that I didn't want to stop exploring what it was. I want to know more of him.

We walked together to the diner and he didn't seemed bothered by my presence which had surprised me. Soda and I not being together had a big impact on my relationship with each of the gang members. It was smoother and easier to have conversations without it sounding like one of them were hitting on me. It was nice.

We arrived at the diner and ordered a bunch of food to share. We all shared laughs and created memories. We had a good time.

As we walked out of the diner, Dally mentioned a party.

"You joining us at Bucks tonight?" He asked me.

"I really shouldn't." I remembered the last party I had attended regretting every moment of the night.

He brushed it off but Steve brought it up again.

"Come on, it'll be fun." He begged and I gave in.

What could possibly go wrong?


Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Where stories live. Discover now