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What happened?

Steve, Sodapop, Johnny and Pony were playing cards while Darry had decided to go to bed because he had to work the next day and Two-Bit was drinking a beer while watching Mickey. They were all set up in the living room laughing and having a good time.

Dally was in the kitchen but he wasn't looking for something to consume.

I decided that I needed answers. I got up from the couch and leaned on the wall of the entryway to the kitchen. He was leaning over the counter thinking.

"Hey." I whispered. He looked up at me, then looked back down sighing.

I walked over to him and put my hand on his back rubbing it lightly. "What happened?" I tried to be calm for him.

He shook his head motioning that he didn't want to answer. I decided to let it go for now. I didn't want to pressure him. Especially since I had no idea what he went through tonight.

I turned him around to face me. I lifted his shirt a bit asking to take it off and he agreed removing his shirt.

My eyes darted to his amazing body. My mouth must've dropped slightly because he lifted my jaw closing it. My face heated up and I smiled at my embarrassment. He chuckled a bit.

I then examined his body. I saw different bruises and cuts forming. My heart sank for him.

I grabbed a wash cloth wetting it.

"Pony?" I yelled.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Could you grab some bandages?" He nodded and left the room.

I had Dally sit on the counter so it was easier to clean him up. I stood between his legs and grabbed the wet cloth dabbing it on areas where there was dry blood and fresh blood.

Pony soon came in with bandages and gauze. I thanked him and he returned to his game. I then started to clean Dally up silently.


Why? What is it about them together that makes me so upset?

I have Sandy. I love Sandy. But it's hard seeing Maria and Dally.

Maybe it's because other than Sylvia, Dally has only ever used girls and I don't want Maria to get hurt. No. It's more.

I've never loved one like Maria. When Two-Bit said she was coming back, I had hope for us. She's different though. Colder. Colder but stronger.

I heard her Beautiful laugh and my attention went to the kitchen. I saw her and dally laugh together and it melted me. Maybe they are happy together. Maybe Dally will learn to love someone. After all, she's a great person to teach how to love.


I finished cleaning dally up.

"Done." I smiled.

"How did you learn to do this?" He asked.

I laughed a bit. "Soda." He nodded motioning that he understood.

He stood up putting on his shirt. We walked to the living room.

"It's getting pretty late, I'll walk you home."

"Okay." I smiled. "Going home Keith. See you later." He waved just like everyone else and me and Dally walked out together.

To my surprise, Dally grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his.

Soon enough, we arrived at my house within minutes.

He walked me to my door. "I'm staying with you until Two-Bit gets back." He demanded. My aunt and uncle were gone for the week so it was just Two-Bit and I.

"Go home and get some rest. You need it." I opened the door letting go of his hand but he pulled me back. Our faces were only inches apart.

"I'm staying." He whispered and I nodded giving in.

He watched me get ready for bed and we just chatted.

"What happened?" His eyes went dark as hatred filled them. He crossed his arms while laying down on my bed. Then he sighed.

"Let's just talk about it later"

"No." I was mad at this point. "I need to know Dally." I begged.

"Maria I cant. You might get hurt and that can't happen." He was genuinely upset about this and it bothered me that I didn't know why.

"Why Dally? Is it really that bad?" I asked.

"It sure as hell isn't good." He was yelling and I was scared.

"Come here."

Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Where stories live. Discover now