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Let's Clarify Something...

It all came back to me. The endless nights of crying. Years worth of tears were shredded on what he put me through. I remembered the marks and bruises he left marked on my skin.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood there slightly shaking. I couldn't speak.

Dally's face went soft. His structure came closer to me and he pulled me into a hug. Who knew that Dallas Winston could be so caring?

"I'm sor-"

"Shhh" he silenced me with his soothing voice. "Take a deep breath."

I calmed down a bit. Dally let go of me and we sat down on the old couch.

I explained everything to him. How I knew Grayson before I came to Tulsa last year, how he hurt me, how I spent every moment with Soda worrying about how he would treat me.

I was always very open with my feelings. I didn't need trust to tell someone something because at the end of the day, you'll be friends with them if you trust them.

Dally seemed like he somewhat understood or tried to. I didn't want to put this pressure on him.

"I'm so sorry M." I've never seen him so quiet.

"Thank you. I'm okay now, just a little shaken up from seeing him again." I sighed.

He nodded showing that he understood. "Do you want me to stay with you until Two-Bit gets back?"

"No it's okay. Go get your rest." I smiled.

He made his way towards the door. "I'll explain what happened tonight to Keith. I won't tell him what you told me about your past. It's not my place to say anything." He smiled then walked back over to me giving me a tight hug.

"Stay safe." He mumbled before walking to the front door.

"Thank you Dally." I yelled before he walked out the door. He winked then shut the door and made his way home.

I sighed thinking about the night. I locked the door then went to bed.


"Last day of summer vacation." Ponyboy sighed.

"Yeah, I guess it is." Johnny responded.

"Well, at least it was a good summer." Steve mentioned.

Not for me. I had to strongly disagree on that one. I had to mentally put myself together alone.

I was curious as to why it seemed like the summer was only ending for six of us. Steve, Pony, Johnny, Two-Bit Dally and I.

"You excited Soda?" I asked casually.

Everyone stared at me awkwardly as if I said something I shouldn't have.

"I dropped out." He said nervously, scratching the back of his neck. I was embarrassed. Like really embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

Sure enough, I hear the front door of the Curtis house burst open. Dally came in.

"Maria, let's go." He demanded.

I sent him a confused facial expression. "What? Why?" I turned back around to the guys and they were just as confused as I was.

"Don't ask, just come." He looked angry. I knew not to mess with Dally when he was angry so I obeyed and walked out of the house with him.

Love and War* based off of THE OUTSIDERS*Where stories live. Discover now