take it upstairs einstiens!

328 15 8

[july 21st]
written march 30th
tiktok tiktok: Ight losers here have fun waiting for a chapter tomorrow Also these grapes I'm eating taste like shit

"Jisung!" Felix stirred awake at from Minho. "What?" He heard his best friend whisper back. "Stop look he's waking up!" Minhos voice yelled again making him turn his head to look at them. "Shit," jisung whispered out before running away, a phone in his hand, and Minho going after him. He groaned and buried his face back into changbins neck. He felt the boys arms wrap around him tighter. "Morning," changbins voice was raspy as he spoke. "Hm," Felix hummed not wanting to get up. He felt a pair of lips plant a kiss onto his cheeks, making them heat up.

"Come on hoes breakfast is ready," Minho yelled as he stepped into the door way of the living room. "Wake up hyunjin and the other two will you," changbin nodded poking Felix's sides. Felix groaned and sat up, landing on the boys lap. "Come on go eat I'll wake up those little idiots," changbin sat up, smiling at Felix's messy hair. Felix nodded and stood up from the boys lap, and walked into the dining room, sitting on the table and laying his head down onto it. "Here Felix there's some soup," Chans voice spoke up in front of him making look up and to the bowl of soup in front of him. He nodded and started munching on the soup, changbin coming in a few minutes later with three tired boys following him.

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