i just need some more time

299 17 1

[june 20th]
Written march 30th

Felix felt his heart break at the thought of changbin with his sister. why did he care so much?! he met the guy a month ago for Christ's sake. he leaned back onto the bed, covering his face with his arms, tears getting ready to come out of his eyes. it was a year ago why did he care?

"let's go changbin, were leaving in two hours," Chan ran into the bedroom throwing his suitcase onto the floor. He noticed the boy sitting there staring at his phone. "I thought we had two more weeks here," he asked confused putting his phone away. "Minho managed to get ya out of that business, they gave us the cars they're downstairs," he let out quickly making changbin smile lightly. God he hated working for those guys. "hurry up, I booked the flights already," Chan said before running out of his room leaving changbin. he got up, trying to take his mind away from the Felix situation, which he would try and fix as soon as they landed over there. he shoved his clothes in, spotting the box of the camera he had bought earlier that day which he was going to give to Felix.
"you ready?" Chan asked as he walked back into the room an hour and a half later to see changbin staring at his phone again. "yeah," he looked up to the boy. "Let's go," he smiled grabbing onto his suitcase and walking out the room.

he looked up into the cars that were parked in front of the garage and smirked as he noticed the one he had wanted. they had all the choice of which car they would get after the whole ordeal was over with and he had chosen the inferno exotic one. he put the luggage in the back of the car and drove off with Chan and jisung in front of him. they were headed towards the airport where their flight was only twenty minutes away.

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