for ten seconds, im free

344 25 3

[june 12th]
Written March 23rd

A couple of days had gone by since Changbin had last texted felix and it was starting to get him worried. He asked the other boys if he's heard from them but they all said no. So he decided to do the great thing of calling Changbin.

The phone ring once



Four times

Five, until he heard heavy breathing. "Hello?" He asked in his deep voice. "You Okay binnie?" He spoke up again hearing the boy pant. "Yeah I'm fine, just really tired," He panted out. "Just running some laps," he lied. "Oh, okay, why haven't you answered any of my messages?" He asked ignoring the boys heavy breathes and instead putting the phone on speaker, grabbing his drawing book. "Oh sorry I haven't had internet for the last couple of days," he lied once again, the truth was he had been trying to out run even more cops and trying to steal some other things for the gang.

"Oh," Felix opened his mouth to speak up again but was interrupted when he heard Chan's voice speak up, "fucking drive fast Changbin! They're closing up on you!" He hurted Changbin car speed up and police sirens. "What are you doing Changbin?" He asked. "Racing with the guys," he answered hoping the boy didn't hear the sirens. "Turn left Changbin and attach your car to the end of Chan's so you won't get shot at," he heard hyunjins voice speak out quickly. "What are you doing Changbin?" He asked again his voice raising. "Sorry lix," was all he heard before the phone was hung up making him started to freak out and send tons of messages to Changbin.

What are you doing Changbin?!

What did he mean by getting shot?

And what were those damn sirens near you?!

Fucking answer me Changbin

I swear to god I will lead robbers into your house if you don't answer me

Come on!


Just stay safe

And don't get arrested because I miss you

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