that's why the feds recruited me

643 38 11

[june 10th]
written March 18th

the next morning when Felix had woken up he noticed that jeongins bag was gone meaning he had already left for school. all four of the boys lived in an apartment, sharing rooms. they had met when woojin was walking something jeongin and had found felix crying on a curb, it was about his parents. as time went on, a week later actually, they found jisung beaten up on a side of the road, the one where they had found Felix. Since the oldest and the two youngest already lived together they decided why not let the boys in. Woojin offered both of them to work inside the garage, they had felt guilty so he said that if they helped him out it would be sorted.

Now you might be wandering, what happened to Felix's parents? Well, they had kicked him out the day he said he was gay, they were heavily catholic and thought being gay was a sin, even though you should love whoever you want and it's also a sin to judge. it was almost the same story for jisung, except that instead of kicking him out, they opted for beating him. One day after finally getting sick enough of it he tried to get out the doors in hopes of someone finding him, which the boys did.

But enough talking about that, Felix got up from his bed, which had a light blue cover because he said he liked that color, and walked over to jisung shaking him awake. "Jisung come on let's go have breakfast I think woojin is up now," of course woojin was up. He always got up a bit before jeongin so he could cook him some breakfast and help him get ready. He had known jeongin for a while that they acted like brothers, play fighting all the time. But most of the time woojin would act like jeongins dad, he took care of him all the time since he was little, as well as seungmin.

Jisung let out a whine and threw the blankets over him making Felix sigh and walk out seeing woojin finish up the dishes. "Breakfast is on the table," he looked up smiling towards Felix and pointing at the dining table. He sat down and starting munching on his cereal watching, woojin drying the dishes. "We going to the garage today?" He asked, there were days when they took breaks just to do this for themselves.

"Yeah, might have a chance to see those cute boys again," he winked making Felix laugh. "Get ready it's already late," he nodded getting up from the table and easing back towards his and jisungs room. "Come on we're going to the garage," he shook the boy awake who just nodded and got up. He walked over to the bathroom, stepping into the shower and letting the water run through him. He always loved showers. They gave him time to think about his day. He scrubbed the soap all around his body and let it fall onto the floor as the water ran through it. He did the same with his hair, using shampoo of course, before drying himself and putting on a pair of jeans and a sweater he had gotten randomly. He smiled at it once he noticed it was a yellow one he always wore with a rainbow on it.


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