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A few hours later the building is empty, that it's only us two. I lay there resting on his bare chest listening his heart beat and his lungs breathe in the air. "You tired?" Jughead asks fondling my hair. 

"No." I whisper drawing circles on his chest, he kisses the top of my head making me feel safe in his arms. "Thank you." I whisper.

"For what?" He asks confused sitting up leaning against the bed frame. 

"Everything, if you told me a year ago this would be my life I would've thought you were insane." I tell him watching him smirk.

"You did all this, I just helped you along the way." he claims touching my shoulder.

"I love you, so much." I whisper before leaning up placing my lips on his. He rolls on top of me not breaking the kiss. I pull away from him moving to his collarbone and base of his neck, he groans rolling on his back switching me to the top. I move down his body going down to his stomach before he pulls me back up reattaching our lips. I sit up not breaking the kiss pulling him with me by his hair sitting on top of him. He lets go of me flipping himself back on top starting to move down my body, gently placing his lips down my body moving all the way down to my legs. He pulls himself back up sitting next to me setting me on his lap, He starts to kiss my shoulders and the base of my neck, I throw my head back letting out a breath while he starts to kiss the scars on my back. I close my eyes letting him release the tension in my back, A minute later I turn around smashing my lips to his my hand finding his scar on his stomach my hand lightly grazing over it. My other hand holds his face while he gently holds my back. A few minutes later our breathing is heavy while we collapse next to each other on the bed.  "You're really good at this." I breathe looking to my side seeing him, he chuckles laying there staring back at me. 

"could say the same about you." He chuckles. "You tired now?" He smirks.

"Not really." I admit to him making him smile while slowly shaking his head. "What?" I smile flipping over on my stomach holding my head up on my hand.

"You're amazing," He smiles reaching for my hand holding it in his while I drop my head me now laying flat on my stomach.

I look over seeing my new serpent jacket similar to Jughead's but has a red rose above the crowned two headed snake. "What does it mean to be queen?" I ask him catching him off guard. 

"what do you mean?" He asks 

"Why did everyone gasp when you pulled the jacket out, why were Kevin and Fangs so happy and smiley? I add to my question.

"Traditionally when a leader chooses someone to lead with them and giving them the jacket it means a promise. A promise to work together and never leave each other until death do they part. Really it means that you love each other and you want them in your life, saying they are your partner in work and anywhere else you'll need each other." He explains making me smile. 

"So you asked me to marry you, without actually asking me to marry you." I clarify causing him to laugh. 

"If that's how you want to look at it." He chuckles 

"How do you look at it?" I ask curious for the answer. 

"You are the one person I never want out of my life, this way I make sure you stay in it." He whispers while suddenly I start to get tired.

"I'm not going anywhere, I think you are stuck with me." I sigh closing my eyes slowly falling asleep. 

"I wouldn't have any other way." He whispers before I fall asleep next to him. 

A few months later.

Last day of school, Graduation. I wake up on my stomach my back exposed next to Jughead in his bedroom. I look over to him seeing him watching me sleep, "Creep." I whisper watching him snicker. 

"Did you see the news?" He asks. "They finally caught him." he adds.

"Not only him but Malachai too." I smile "The nightmares can finally stop." I whisper.

"Come on, last day of school." He mumbles getting up from the bed. "We can sleep all day tomorrow." He adds pecking my hair before getting dressed. 

"If only it was that simple." I whisper following him out of bed getting dressed. Black jeans, a blue halter top and my serpent jacket. I leave my hair down following down the stairs seeing his family in the kitchen. The three of them smile at me, probably hearing the news and are as happy as I am. A car honks out front of the house, "That's Kevin and Fangs." I tell them grabbing my bag following Jughead out of the house, When we get in the car they are both smiling at us before driving to pick up Toni and Cheryl. They both get in the car and we were off to school, In the last few months when Jughead and Cheryl joined our group we sort of became the popular ones pushing Veronica and Archie close to the bottom. My life is amazing, the best of friends I could ask for, my father is in jail, and I have the love of my life. The nightmare finally ended and this is the dream it was replaced with. 

"The past year, has been hard. For some of us harder then others." Jughead starts giving his speech to the whole school. "Some made mistakes they now regret, and others just tried to get through high school alive. This past year I saw people change that I thought I could trust and people I noticed once a week are now my best friends. I realized a while ago that when this was all happening one person was keeping me sane even when I was the one trying to save them. This town has darkness, but that can be consumed by light you just need to know where to look for it. We did it, we got through the darkness and graduated... Congratulations!" He says stepping of the stage while everyone else took off there caps throwing them in the air. He comes up to me smiling. 

"We did it." I whisper.

"Yeah we did." He whispers back. " I love you." he adds 

"I love you too." I tell him smashing my lips against his, Everything around us goes slow and quiet. We pull away our foreheads connected, "Whats next Forsythe." I smile.

"Our future." He whispers reconnecting our lips.  

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