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They both leave, leaving us there I move towards my house when two cars pull up one going in my house and the other going in Jughead's, the hood of my fathers car is smoking. "Elizabeth, there's something wrong with my car!" My father screams pulling me in the drive way leaving more bruises on my arm while he throws a box of tools at me which hits me in the chest knocking the wind out of me.

"I'll look at it." I choke out picking the box up from the ground and walking to the car. 

"Have it done by tomorrow morning." My father demands throwing his keys at me too leaving me in the drive way with a smoking car, I lift the hood up getting a face full of smoke when Jughead walks next to me. 

"Need help?" he asks watching me let the smoke fly into the air. 

"I don't know yet." I tell him dropping to the ground breathing for a second, "A few more months." I whisper falling on my back and looking up at the sky and the clouds moving across the sky. 

"Polly?" I hear my mother scream running out of the house, I stand up looking forward seeing my sister hugging my mother with a stroller next to her. I start on the car seeing it's overheated, I focus on the car shutting out everything around me, until someone comes up behind me squeezing my still cut back making blood come out again. I look up and move away from my father squatting down into a ball watching the mini family reunion happen. 

"Betty!" I hear a little voice say behind me making me stand up and turn around. I see Jellybean walk to us as fast as she can without falling, when she reaches me she falls to the ground at my feet. I feel my father's stinging eyes on me along with Polly's and my mother's. I pick her up and place her back in front of her house. 

"Stay here, not safe over there." I tell her then moving back to my house where everyone except for Jughead is staring at me. "What?" I ask making them turn away from me. 

"Betty?" Polly asks forcing me to look at her. "I'm glad to see you." she mumbles making me nod my head in response.  

"Okay...Elizabeth when you're done go straight upstairs and go to bed." My father tells me making me nod my head.

"Hal, she hasn't eaten dinner yet." My mother tells my father making him become angry and look at me in anger. 

"I'm fine mom, I don't feel great anyways." I lie to her pleasing my father while he goes back inside, my mother and Polly look at me concerned. "listen to him.. I'll be okay." I whisper taking off my jacket and my white shirt exposing my black tank top. My mother looks at my arms about to cry.

"How long?" she whispers grazing her hand over my arms. 

"He never stopped." I tell her closing the hood of the car because it cooled down. 

"I don't want you on the house with him." My mother says picking up the clothes I took off. 

"Where am I supposed to go?" I ask putting the tools back in the garage, and toss the keys to Polly. "It's just until I graduate high school then this guy will either kill me or force me to be with him." I explain making her confused. "He's a guy dad made a deal with." I tell her crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Betty, I'm so sorry." Polly says looking at me. 

"Now, I'm going to go to bed. goodnight." I say trying to walk into my house but Jughead picks me up and places me next to him. "I hate you." I mumble making them chuckle slightly. "look if I don't go in there something worse can happen then going to bed hungry." 

"Elizabeth.." my mother warns. 

"would it make you feel better if he stayed with me?" I say pointing to Jughead.

"No, I don't want you in the house." my mother says. 

"I'll sleep in the garage then, he'll probably like that better." I yell making her jump. "You're just making it worse." I tell her making her face fall. 

"I want you out of my house." she tells me making me chuckle. 

"You just found out your husband rapes your daughter and you're kicking me out?" I say making her look away from me "Wow, I'll go pack a bag." I say walking into the house leaving everyone in the drive way. I throw clothes in a bag quickly running out of the house, my father watches following me out with a belt in his hands while I walk in the drive way where everyone is, my back is whipped with a belt causing me to fall to the ground arching my back using my hands to protect my head.

"Hal stop!" my mother screams making the whole neighborhood come out of their houses watching me get beat with the belt. I sit there shaking and crying, "Please stop!" my mother screams again. 

"You useless piece of shit! You caused everything to go wrong in my life...." he screams still throwing the belt on my skin. He drags me into the garage pushing me up against the wall holding me there while he starts to force himself on me. Someone pulls him off of me throwing him into the yard. I fall to the ground crying and bleeding, Jughead comes to my side holding me while I cry and watch my dad get beat up by his dad. My mother watches this entire thing staying away from both of us. I stop crying when I see everyone on the street watching this whole thing happen. 

"What did I do wrong?" I cry still in the floor in the garage in Jughead's arms.

"Nothing, you didn't do anything wrong." Jughead whispers helping me up off the ground so I'm standing and can walk out of the garage. I see my father laying in the grass knocked out but is still breathing. 

More people show up videoing the whole thing, "Hey, you're staying with us tonight." Jughead's dad says leading me to their house. 

"No, she's not FP." My mother says walking after us. 

"Didn't you just kick her out?" He asks my mother making her stop in her tracks. "Yeah, she's staying with me." he says grabbing my bag off the ground and leading me into his house. I walk in Jellybean sees me, she runs to me hugging my leg then going back to where she was. 

"Is there a bathroom I can use?" I ask looking at the two guys next to me. "And a towel you don't mind getting it ruined." I add making them look at each other. "You can help me if you want but it's going to be really bad." I say making both of them sigh leading me to a bathroom up stairs handing my a towel. They don't leave so I just take off my shirt looking at my back in the mirror seeing more wounds then usual "It's worse then I thought," I whisper wetting the towel they gave me and placing it on my back. It feel like fire, I shut my eyes and squeeze my hands shut resisting to scream. I take the towel off my back opening my eyes seeing scars on my waist and stomach, bruises on my stomach along with fresh made cuts. I put the towel on my stomach facing my back to the boys, I look at them in the mirror they both look at it then look away. 

"Do you want me to help you with your back?" FP asks me, I nod my head slightly handing him the towel and turning my back to him letting him clean my back.  

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