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"Betty." Kevin says.

"Just give me a minute please." I tell them sitting in one of the chairs pulling my knees to my chest breathing in and out trying to calm myself down.

"Betty." Kevin says again making me look over my shoulder seeing Jughead now standing with them behind me.

"What?" I breathe looking at them.

"How can we protect you?" Fangs asks while I turn around facing all of them.

"You don't." I whisper.

"But Betty." Toni says.

"No, I'll worry about it when I have to. Not you." I tell them turning around causing them all to sigh.

"Fine, I'll see you later then." Toni says walking out of the room with Fangs and Kevin following her.

"It's my fault they lost their friend." I whisper thinking no one is left in the room, "I'm so stupid, everyone's lives were so much easier before I showed up. How am I going to handle this." I whisper hiding my face in my arms on the desk. "Should I just give in? turn myself in, but then he would rub it in everyone's faces that I let him win." I whisper thinking out loud.

"Is that really what's going through you're head right now?" Jughead says moving in front of me while I jump out of my skin. "The truth is all our lives got better the minute we met you, yeah they might've been easier but whats fun when things are easy."

"Jug, you guys lost your friend because of me." I declare looking up at him.

"He's an asshole, our lives are probably better off without him." He tells me sitting on top of the desk.

"That doesn't change anything." I mumble.

"You need to stop thinking everything is your fault." He chuckles smiling down at me.

"It's not funny, this is supposed to be serious." I advise him.

"Not my fault you're over thinking everything, except someone else's help Betts" He says walking closer to me.

"What happens if..." I start but he interrupts.

"What happens if you end up dead or held in a basement starving to death." He says causing me to take a deep breath.

"You're not going to give up are you?" I ask looking up at him

"No." He admits shaking his head.

"Fine." I sigh causing the door to burst open.

"And the king wins again." Toni yells with Kevin and Fangs holding each other while entering behind her.

"You fucking tricked me." I yell making them all laugh,

"We had to get you to agree somehow, we just didn't plan you going after Sweetpea." Fangs says making me chuckle.

"I tried to tell you guys that this morning but everyone thought I was crazy." Jughead says making everyone laugh.

"Did something happen between you two because you can cut the sexual tension in here with a knife." Kevin mentions making everyone look at him. "No one else feels it?" He asks while the bell rings.

"Come on," Toni expresses waiting for me to follow her out the door leaving the three boys in there. We walk into the classroom living through another boring lesson, I just stare into the distance thinking while the teacher talks. I open up my notebook writing a poem while the teacher still reviews something.

You made me who I am even though you broke me. You taught me to be fearless when you were the one who showed me fear

Thanks to you I'm stronger even though you made me weak You held me captive, and I cried myself to sleep waiting for someone to safe me.

No one did, until I exposed my scars And the people who saw either looked away or they helped me clean the mess up.

you left me broken, and they picked me up you left me feeling useless, and they stand by me feeling loved

Thank you for destroying me, because you made me better.

The bell rings waking me up from my thoughts, I pack up feeling someone's eyes on me I look up seeing Sweetpea staring at me while I get up leaving the classroom ignoring him going into the hallway. "So what were you working on in there, you seemed intent with it." Toni says wrapping her arm with mine as we walk through the hallway.

"Nothing important." I tell her walking into our next class sitting through another dreadful lesson. The rest of the day went really slow, nothing else happened it was somehow considerately mostly normal. I walk out of the school walking towards the apartment when someone runs behind me touching my shoulder, I whip around seeing Fangs. "You scared me." I tell him still walking to the building.

"I can see that, where are you going?" He asks walking with me towards the building.

"Where I live at the moment." I tell him walking into the small building.

"Everyone is studying, they wanted me to come get you." Fangs informs me.

"Why didn't you tell me that before I walked all the way here." I complain walking back out of the building with Fangs resting my head on his shoulder before he leads me to the porch of Kevin's house. "Got her." Fangs calls out making everyone look at me then at each other.

"Did you trick me again." I ask doubtful.

"No," They all say at the same time looking back down at their work.

I sit down with them at the porch with them still doubtful of what they're planning. We sit there not talking just working on homework the four of us for a while. Suddenly I hear my name being called, but not thinking anything of it I ignore it. Someone whispers my name again making me look up seeing nothing. "Did you guys hear that?" I ask them looking around us.

"Hear what?" Toni questions while I look out in the distance. Someone whispers my name again, confusing me. I stand up walking away from the group following the whispers behind the house. I hear a branch snap before everything goes black.

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