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The next day, I get up earlier then usual to check on how my back looks; swelling has died down but the skin is still tender. I pull myself together pulling something loser over my body a white button up shirt with some black jeans. I leave my hair down, after I'm done getting ready I tiptoe down the stairs careful not to wake my parents up sitting in my kitchen staring at the walls thinking. I hear walking on the floor above me which makes me grab my bag looking through it checking I have everything before writing a note and stepping out the front door walking in the direction of the school, trying not to break down when I look up I notice Jughead walking by my side pretending not to notice I'm there. I stop during a burst of pain goes through my throbbing back. He stops looking back at me, "You okay." he asks watching me release my hands. 

"Yeah." I whisper continuing the walk to school, I feel like he watches me walk next to him until we reach the school where he walks away finding his friends while I walk in the building heading straight to the new paper room scribbling in my notebook trying not to let the tears fallout of my eyes. When I'm finished I look back at the pages I wrote picking up the book and throwing it across the room. My head drops in my hands holding my head trying to stop the screaming of voices in my head. "I'm going to be stuck in this mother fucking family." I whisper leaning back in the chair I'm sitting in. 

"I don't think your okay." Jughead says behind me startling me looking over my shoulder to check who it is. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to but what I saw yesterday and what Toni told me what happened at the bar seems intense." He adds closing the door behind him standing across from me. 

"Like I said don't worry about me, I've been dealing with this a long time." I admit.

"So do you know Malachai?" He asks sitting on the ground in front of me.

"I wish I didn't, he made a deal with my dad a long time ago agreeing that I'm pretty much his doll until I graduate high school, so when I do graduate he might kill me or threaten me into being with him." I explain in disgust standing up and picking up my journal from across the room. Someone I haven't seen yet enters the room happily until she sees me. I stay in the room closing the book standing up seeing a brunette looking at me in disgust. I walk to the desk I was at sitting in the chair grabbing a book out of my bag and taking notes through the book. The girl clears her throat making me look back at her. "What?" I ask flipping my hair to one side. 

"Can you leave.. I need to talk to Jughead." she hisses glaring at me. 

"No, there's a janitor's closet next door knock yourself out." I respond returning back to my book hearing a slight chuckle come from the ground. I hear steps come near me feeling someone's presence next to me. 

"Who are you and what makes you think you can talk to me like that." she hisses again.

"Betty Cooper, And why can't I talk to you like this I mean your just a normal teenage girl." I answer not looking up from my book. 

"Your going to regret this!" she remarks walking towards the door pulling someone into the room with us. "Take care of her." The girl whispers making Jughead stand up trying to reason with her. "She asked for it." the girl whisper while someone approaches me.  

"Stand up." a new boy demands looking down at me, I stay in place looking up at him. He gets frustrated going to grab my arm but I grab his before he touches me. He smirks intrigued trying to punch me with the other hand but I grab that one too kicking his stomach making him step back. He tries to punch me again this time I dodge it then slapping him across his face. He goes to pick me up punching my side while I knee him in the chest, he lifts me off the ground trying to get an advantage but I kick his stomach then punch him as hard as I can in the face making him drop me walk back so he's next to the girl and Jughead who are looking at me amazed and surprised. 

"Try harder next time." I breathe sitting back at the desk I was at when Toni walks in seeing the boy beat up, confused and amazed at the same time.

"Someone finally beat you up Andrews, I bow down to who ever did that." She claims seeing me sitting in the chair then looks back at the three of them. "No shit not only someone beat you up it was the new girl." she laughs looking at me. "The bell is about to ring." she tells me waiting for me while I follow her out of the room. The classes were slow, stings would go through my back and people whisper about the guy from earlier whose name is Archie. I just stay silent trying not to show the pain and burning coming from the surface of my skin. Lunch rolls around and I still haven't said a word since this morning. "Betty are you okay?" Toni asks me as I drop down at the table sitting across from her. 

"Yeah, just a slow day." I clarify trying to listen in on the group's conversation when someone put their hands on my waist and breathes down my neck. I turn around slapping them across the face and then kicking the guy between his legs. He falls to the floor everyone looking at me while I feel liquid down my back. I standing up walking out of the cafeteria towards the bathroom. When I get in the bathroom I lock the door behind me checking I'm alone opening the stalls.  

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