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I walk into the building, spotting Kevin right away I walk up to him tapping him on the back making him turn around to face me. "What's up?" I ask when I see he's a little sad.

"You don't mind if I complain a little?" he ask while we walk outside the station sitting on the front steps.

"Go right ahead." I tell him looking up at him seeing him take a deep breath.

"I kind of like Fangs and I don't think he likes me back." he admits making me smile.

"That would be so cute, ask him out he's got to like you back!" I exclaim excitedly almost squealing.

"You think so?" he questions with a smile creeping on his face.

"Come on, you look at each other the same way." I revel to him making him blush.

"So what about you, anyone you have your eyes on?" Kevin quizzes nudging my arm lightly seeing the bruises there.

"I don't know." I sigh to him... "Most guys are assholes." I add making him laugh.

"I think Sweetpea might like you." Kevin admits still laughing.

"Why?" I ask starting to laugh with him.

"Why are you laughing I'm serious." he says trying to sound serious but fails while a chuckle leaves his lips.

"Why would someone like me?" I ask looking down at my body seeing a tee shirt and leggings.

"You're hot." Kevin says totally serious now looking at me while people pass us to get into the station.

"Okay." I say sarcastically not agreeing with him. "That explains why almost every guy I meet uses me, makes so much since." I add

"Betty.. You need to get out there, live you're life." Kevin says standing up and running down the steps spinning around on the bottom.

"And explain where all the scars came from, no thanks." I say laughing at him while he stares at me from the bottom.

"Okay, so what about Jughead he probably knows more then the rest of us." Kevin suggests walking back up the stairs sitting next to me.

"I don't know Kev." I mention making him roll his eyes.

"Fine, then I won't ask out Fangs." Kevin declares making my eyes widen,

"The truth is I'm scared, everything in my life eventually turns to shit. I don't want to mess up everything good in my life." I admit making him nod his head.

"But wouldn't it be easier to have someone to cry on and they can't complain, or someone to laugh with next to you all the time." Kevin coveys painting the picture in his head of something.

"Yeah, but wouldn't be harder to be afraid of disappointing them, or feel like you're not making as happy as you want to." I add making him think a little.

"Yeah but if you find the right person, they will only want you and everything that comes with." Kevin says still leaving me hesitant.

"How do I know when I find the right person?" I ask raising my eye brows

"I don't know, one day you'll just know." He says making me sigh noticing people stare at me while they pass by. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks after we sit there in silence for a few minutes.

"Not really, I just want to be 18 and get him out of my life." I whisper fidgeting with my fingers.

"Yeah, that sounds reasonable." Kevin sighs before pulling us up of the steps. "I'm going to do it, but you need to be there." He says pulling me with him down the street into the south side.

"Why do I need to be there?" I ask trying to catch up with how much his feet are moving.

"For emotional support." Kevin says walking into the bar looking for Fangs lifting me up and dropping me in a stool at the bar. I watch him walk over to Fangs nervous but when they start talking he seems really comfortable.

"Hey Betty." Sweetpea says behind me causing me to jump.

"Hey Sweetpea." I say looking back at Kevin and Fangs.

"I just want to tell you I like you and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out just the two of us." He mumbles making me turn around to face him

"No you don't." I say causing him to feel confused.

"Yes I do I like you, You're pretty and nice and smart." He says causing me to feel stressed.

"You're one of my best friends..." I say nervously laughing seeing him to become more confused.

"I want to be more then friends." He says

"I don't feel the same way." I tell him watching him walk closer to me.

"Maybe I can change your mind." He says continuing to move closer causing me to stand up and walk backwards

"I don't think you can." I say still moving backwards towards the door.

"Why not?" he says still moving forward,

"Because I don't like you." I say.

"Come on... stop playing with me." he mumbles.

"Get away from me." I tell him, but he doesn't listen still moving forward. Someone punches him in the face frightening me.

"You okay?" Jughead asks turning around checking on me. I nod my head looking up at him then down seeing Sweetpea unconscious on the floor.

"Betty?" someone asks from the door, which makes me turn around seeing my brother in his military suit staring at me dropping his bag on the floor looking me up and down. A smile comes across my face, and my legs run to him while my arms wrap around his neck. He picks me up spinning me around, then dropping me in front of him. "Wow, you've changed." He whispers holding my sides looking me up and down. "What did you do while I was gone?" he says pulling me into another hug.

"A lot has happened since eighth grade." I say into his shoulder pulling away looking at him. "Are you hurt? sick?" I ask making him chuckle.

"No, completely healthy." he smiles, "I came here to surprise you and someone sent me a video. Why didn't you tell me?" He asks looking hurt.

"I didn't want you to worry about me, you had enough to worry about." I tell him.

"Betty, I would've helped you." He tells me pulling me into another hug and kissing the top of my head.

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