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I sit back at the desk, "Do you any homework?" I ask him making him chuckle sitting up grabbing his bag pulling out his books and notes. 

"Yeah," he says while I sit on the floor against the bed pulling out my stuff starting on the math problems. We sit there discussing the homework and trying to help each other until I close the textbook throwing my head back onto the bed. "Whats wrong." He laughs putting his textbook off the side looking down at me. 

"I think my brain gave up." I tell him laughing afterwords with him. 

"Lets take a break then." he suggests still looking down at me. 

"Can we talk about you're dad? we don't have to if you don't want to but I want to know." I mumble hearing him sigh. 

"When I was a baby for as long as I could remember my father came home drunk every night. At the time I would get on my fathers nerves and he would punish me for it. He would hit me while my mother watched, or he would handcuff me to the fridge and kick me in the stomach to the point I was coughing up blood. No major damage was done but I have a big scar on my stomach," He tells me standing up and lifting his shirt for me to see his scar. The scar starts at his bellybutton and goes around to the start of his back. I stand up looking down at it grazing my fingers over it. 

"I'm sorry." I whisper staring down at the scar. He grabs my hands from his stomach causing me to look up at him.

"Stop apologizing." He whispers leaning down kissing my lips, I reach up holding onto his neck pulling him closer to me without breaking the kiss. He grabs onto my waist holding me close while he sits down on his bed and I crawl on top of his lap, both of us refusing to let go of each other. I hear the door open down stairs causing me to pull away listening hearing footsteps, I get off his lap sitting on the floor working on the homework again. 

"I don't get what I'm doing wrong." I say running my finger through my hair showing Jughead who has his work in his lap who starts explaining it to me while the door opens reveling FP and Gladys. 

"What are you guys doing?" Gladys asks looking at us and at all of the work around the room.

"Homework." We say at the same time looking at the two, "You know I should probably get going, I'll finish this up tomorrow." I say packing up my things, "I'll talk to you later." I say grabbing my bag and walking out of the house and heading towards my brother's apartment. I walk in seeing my brother on his computer sending an email. 

"You eat?" he asks when he sees me walk through the door. 

"No." I tell him taking off my shoes. 

"There's a salad in the fridge you can have." He says while I walk into the kitchen grabbing it out of fridge and eating it.

"What are you doing?" I ask him taking a bite of the salad.

"nothing, just work." He says putting down his computer. "You take the bed." He demands laying down on the couch turning on the TV while I finish the salad getting changed into baggy clothes and pretty much passing out right away.

The next morning I wake up when the sun is rising, I sit up just thinking and last night runs through my head. I felt happy and safe, I look around the apartment seeing my brother sleeping on the couch. I stand up changing into a flowy black long sleeve shirt and light blue jeans with my hair pulled into a pony tail. I walk into the kitchen eating a banana and finishing up my homework before I leave for school. I leave the building at 7:15 walking to the high school with my head down avoiding everyone who passes me. I reach the building seeing everyone there earlier then usual. I walk faster to them seeing them upset, "what's wrong?" I ask them making them look at me with sad and scared faces. "Someone tell me whats wrong." I demand looking at all of them.

"Sweetpea left the serpents and joined the Ghoulies." Fangs tells me, I feel steam fill my head when he tells me this. "He's working with Malachai to get you to join." Toni adds making we walk away from them going into the building seeing Sweetpea talking to Archie. I go up to him pushing him against the lockers. 

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yell stepping away from him. "Joining somebody who wants to keep me hostage until I give him what he wants!" I yell while Toni, Kevin, and Fangs run after me. 

"Jesus you fool everyone that you're the victim when you could've easily asked for it, why keep it a secret!" He yells. 

"You don't know shit... why would I ask my father to knock me out and rape me... why would ask anyone to hold a gun to my head... I did tell somebody and when my father found out he put me in a car and drove me here." I yell at him with more people crowding around us.

"Stop lying... Malachai showed me photos and proved that you made up this whole story." He tells me making me laugh. 

"If you're so certain I'm lying tell me why my mother kicked me out of her house, tell me why I have scars all down my back and sides from wiping since I was seven years old, tell me why I would ask to cry myself to sleep for years wishing I was dead. Tell me." I yell making everyone stare at him silently. 

"Because you're a slut." he says going to slap me put I grab his hand while it's in the air. 

"Fuck you." I hum dropping his hand walking away out of the crowd of people into the News paper room.

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