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I wake up in a bed to the sound of my brother's soft snoring on the couch, The sky is still dark letting the stars shine in the sky. I sigh staring up at the ceiling thinking, will he come after me? I stayed like that until the sun started to rise, I sit up going to take a shower getting ready for school. Letting the warm water run down my body I look down at my body realizing this isn't me, this isn't my body anymore he took it from me and I have to live with this. Some of the bruises started to heal and disappear off my skin but I still feel them, my back is starting to scab over and leaving scars leaving my skin a light color of pink forever. I step out of the shower seeing my brother still sleeping soundly. I pull on a pair of ripped black jeans and a cropped grey sweatshirt, leaving my hair down to air dry while I walk to school. I grab my bag writing a note in the kitchen before grabbing an apple and leaving. The sky is light grey almost white leaving a shadow over the town. I take my time walking to the school ignoring all the stares and whispers I get while I walk through the town. I walk up to the high school seeing people sitting outside gossiping and laughing while they spread rumors. I look down walking into the building going straight to the news paper room finding its empty, I sigh out of relief sitting at one of the desks seeing a pair of scissors on top. I eye the scissors seeing the blades considering to end it, 

'your body isn't yours anymore.'  'Everyone takes advantage of you'  'They just feel bad for you that's why they're still here.'  'You really are weak, do what you normally do and forget about it.'  'damn it forget about!'  

Run through my head while I stare at the pair of scissors just sitting there letting my thoughts take over my head, someone takes the scissors off the table causing me to focus back into the world while all my thoughts wither away. "How long have you been here?" Jughead asks holding the pair of scissors in his hands putting them on one of the other desks. I look at the clock seeing 45 minutes have past. 

"45 minutes." I tell him looking around the room behind me seeing Toni and Kevin standing in the door way. 

"You have just been sitting there?" Toni asks looking at me then down at my hand causing me to look down at them. 

"Shit." I whisper relaxing my hands feeling blood drip out of them. I grab my bag which is by me taking out bandages taping up my hands. 

"What's wrong?" Jughead asks sitting on the desk I'm sitting at. 

"Everything." I whisper hearing the bell ring starting class, I get up ready to walk out the door following Toni to our first class when Jughead grabs my arm. 

"What do you mean everything?" He whispers. 

"I'll tell you later." I whisper back letting him drop my arm while I go catch up to Toni hearing people whisper while I pass them. I sit where I usually do using the chair in the back without a desk waiting for everyone else to file in seeing Jughead being annoyed by Archie making me roll my eyes looking out the window. 

"Elizabeth Cooper to the principle's office." The speaker calls out, I pack my bag walking out of the classroom when the teacher walks in heading to the office really over this whole situation. I walk into the room seeing Cheryl and Veronica sitting in the chairs across from our principle. "Elizabeth please sit," he says, I follow his instructions sitting next to Veronica. "This weekend I came across this video. I recognized Elizabeth in the video and decided to find out who posted this video. I discovered that Veronica was the one who posted the video and sent it around, I asked for her phone this morning and found out that Cheryl was the one who sent it to Miss Lodge." he adds causing me to slide down in my chair resting my head in my hand. 

"Yes." Cheryl says looking at the principle. 

"Look, I want this to go away as much as you do. I'm pissed on how my life ended up, but I don't want them to severely punished because I truly believe these are good people so do what you want but I don't want to be more involved in this more then I already am." I say seeing them all surprised with me before he starts talking again and I spot a pair of scissors on his desk. I zone out listening to my thoughts feeling my eyes tear up. 

"Elizabeth!" The principle yells catching my attention. 

"I'm sorry what?" I ask making Cheryl and Veronica scoff next to me. 

"Are you okay?" he asks looking in my eyes. 

"Yes," I tell him.

"You three are excused." He sighs while we all get up walking out of his office, while I walk to my English class. When I walk in everyone shuts up and looks at me, I walk back to my seat wanting to disappear. 

Skip to lunch

I sit at the table with Toni and Kevin waiting for Fangs, Sweetpea comes sitting down next to me, I stand up walking out of the cafeteria, I walk outside sitting against the side of the building running my hands through my hands through my hair watching the trees wrestle in front of me. I hear laughing as people walk out of the school but I ignore them trying to cancel them out. Their voices fade away while I stand up walking back into the building being pushed back by Kevin telling me to turn around and walk the other way.

"Why, whats happening?" I ask him pushing past him, 

"Jughead and Sweetpea are literally fist fighting." He tells me while I walk towards the cafeteria.  

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