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Toni's POV

After school

I walk to the News Paper seeing only Jughead in there. Perfect, the worst he can say is no. I open the door, he looks up and seems disappointed to see me. "Hey Jug can I talk to you?" I mumble placing my bag on one of the desks. 

"Sure whats up." He says spinning around so he is facing me.

"I like you." I mumble really fast, his face changes to tense when he looks at me. 

"What." He chokes out, choking on the air.

"I want us to be more then friends." I say really fast looking down at the ground.

"um I'm kind of already with someone." He says making my heart drop down to the floor. 

"Who?" I ask as soon as the door open exposing Betty and Kevin.

Betty's POV

I find Kevin in the halls who runs to me as soon as he sees me. "Okay don't get mad at me but I think Jughead likes you." Kevin says while we walk to the news paper. 

"You said the same thing about Sweetpea." I tell him while he scoffs.

"And was I right." Kevin smirks while he opens the door to the room.

"Who?" Toni says right after we open the door. 

"I might have been wrong." Kevin whispers while we stare at the two. "What should we do?" He whispers while we all stare at each other. 

"Run." I whisper back turning around when someone picks me up dropping me on their lap holding me in place. "I hate you." I whisper causing him to chuckle while we watch Toni tie Kevin to one of the chairs connected to a desk. 

"Why do I have to be tied up?" Kevin complains looking at the three of us. 

"If we tie her up she would break the chair." Jughead says holding me in place while I try to stand up. 

"Betty I think you should just give up." Kevin says making me stop throwing my head back onto his shoulder, looking up at the ceiling hearing typing in front of me. 

"Can you tell me who is it?" Toni sighs causing me to look at her.

"Who what is, what did we interrupt?" I ask looking at the two. Jughead stays silent typing in his computer. "Wait is he..." I start but stop seeing Toni nod her head. "You know I should probably get going I have so much homework I have to do." I say nervously trying to get up but he holds me in place.

"It's you!" Toni says in disbelief. "When did that happen." She asks looking at us.

"a few weeks ago." I whisper.

"Damn if I knew." Toni laughs seeming disappointed but happy.

"Wait I was right. I called it like a month ago." Kevin smiles at us.

"Do we still have to be held in place." I mumble pointing at Kevin then at myself.

"Yes." Toni and Jughead say at the same time starting to work. I just stare at his laptop watching him type feeling board so I grab my bag that's on the ground by us taking out my notebook looking through the pages reading the stories and poems I wrote opening to a blank page staring at it then shutting it resting my head on his chest looking straight ahead of me staring at the wall. Closing my eyes slowly falling asleep in his lap unable to move anywhere else. I wake up to the sound of people talking softly probably trying not to wake me up. I open my eyes with them adjusting to the light seeing Kevin look at me with Toni staring up at him.

"Can I get up now?" I mumble with a raspy voice startling them.

"I don't know you look pretty comfortable." Kevin smirks looking at my tired body.

"I want to go to bed." I whisper hiding my face in Jughead's shoulder. 

"Then go to bed." Toni laughs.

"I'm at the damn school Toni." I say into his shoulder muffling my voice. hearing and feeling them all laugh around me while I relax very slowly trying to fall back asleep.  

"Lets go." Jughead whispers causing me to sit up finding my balance before lifting myself off of him folding my arms over my chest before walking out the door following Kevin and Toni. I walk towards my brother's apartment slowly all of us going our different ways. I stumble inside collapsing onto the couch falling straight to sleep. 

The stars sit above me shinning and shimmering lighting the ground beneath me. Trees are all around me almost trapping me in a cage. I stand up from the ground wiping the dirt from my black tight clothes. Whispers fill my ears and clouds start to cover the stars slowly while the whispers get louder taking all the room in my head. They suddenly stop when something hits my back causing me to fall to the ground looking behind me seeing a man with a hood hiding his face. Another hand touches my shoulder wiping me around showing me who they are, Sweetpea. He tries to rip off my clothing while air gets trapped in my lungs, pressure is around my throat strangling me. The stars start to show shinning above me once again while my life fades away blackening my vision. I jolt up choking on air crying and grasping for breath, someone comes to my side when I realize I'm in a bed choking on nothing. My hands reach for my throat trying to remove the pressure that never went away. "Shh Betty you're okay, it wasn't real they can't hurt you anymore." My brother whispers comforting me. I try to speak but only whimpers and coughs come out with my tears. I shake my head trying to answer him but he only pulls me closer into his chest trying to calm me down.          

"He is still out there." I cough crying into his chest.

"He won't hurt you, not when I'm alive." He whispers hugging me waiting for me to fall back asleep.   

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