Chapter 27 ~ Delivered.

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The flight went for a staggering twenty hours and thirty-ish minutes.

It would have been the most mind-numbing torturous event of my life to date, due to the insufferable company.
But I was lucky I suppose to be unconscious for most of it.

Not by choice sadly, I would have forced myself to remain awake knowing how vulnerable Dana and I are but Rosik was feeling clever and drugged both Dana and myself within the first half an hour of flying.

The take off was rough, due to the turbulent weather that I'm sure the average aircraft pilot would deny flying through.
However we're on a strict schedule and not even Mother Nature will stop these monsters unnatural schemes.

I was busy focusing on the clouds that were crowding in around the plane and barely noticed Rosik rise to get the drugs ready.

I clenched the armrest with my good arm as the plane dipped and swayed momentarily, I swore quietly under my breathe as my stomach dipped with it, I was not wasting another meal.

"First time flying?" Rosik questioned once he returned and noticed my stiff posture and I gave a brief nod and continued studying the world around us.

If this plane was going to crash then I wanted to be the first to know and the first to react.
There really isn't anything I could do but the mirage of control was comforting.

Reaching over Rosik unlatched the food tray in front of me causing it to drop down with a bang.
I flinched and pressed my hand against my heart, willing it to calm down as Rosik placed a cup of water in front of me.

I craned my neck and looked at the seat ahead of me where Dana was sitting and she looked equally as frightened as me as she nervously drank her matching cup of water.

Deciding that it could help settle my stomach I lightly grasped the thin plastic cup and drank it also, relishing in the cool feeling of the liquid running down my hot throat.

"I think I prefer being on the ground."
I managed to push out as the plane wobbled once more, which made me bite my lip harshly.

"We'll be on the ground in no time and then I promise no more flying."
Rosik chuckled as I finished the drink and sat it back on the tray.

"Not if I have anything to do about it."
I replied which I knew was a stupid thing to say prior but the words still escaped my lips and earned another chuckle from Rosik as he threw his arm around me once more.

Dana groaned in front of me and I tried to peek at her again but Rosik dipped his two middle fingers beneath my chin and turned my face towards his.

"You won't have to do anything anymore. I'm going to look after you Kitty, nobody will hurt you anymore and nobody will care for you as much as I do." Rosik whispered and I felt a headache begin to form behind my brow while my stomach continued to protest.

"Katie?! I don't feel so good."
Dana called out and Rosik clenched my chin tighter before I had a chance to rip away from him.

I began to recognise my symptoms as black spots began to fill my vision and I widened my eyes in realisation.

"Why? What could we have done while trapped on this plane?" I forced myself to question as beads of sweat began gathering at my hairline.

Drugging us made no sense, I understood why they might when we landed but the journey had only just begun, why waste their resources?

"It's for your own safety.. You don't know what your eyes do to me. It's safer to keep them closed for now while we are in such a tight space."
Rosik breathed out and I shuddered as his warm breath caressed my lips.

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