Chapter 28 ~ Severed Ties.

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"Y-You're just trying to scare me."
I breathe out as my face pales and a drop of sweat drips down the back of my neck.

"Rosik won't just give me up like that!" I quickly explain and try to remain firm but the man relaxes back in his chair, sensing my fear and basking in it.

"You think very highly of yourself Katherine." I'm not shocked that he knows my name, in fact I'm surprised he hasn't used it sooner.

Both Axel and Rosik have sent all their acquired information about both Dana and I right into this mans cruel hands.

He holds all the cards.

I open my mouth to further convince both him and myself that selling me isn't an option but his mobile suddenly rings and he picks it up without another glance in my direction.

He listens intently, a crease in his thick brows as the person speaks on the other end and his smile widens as he comprehends the conversation.

I remain awkwardly standing there and consider just walking out but just as I go to turn the man pins me with his stare once more.

"Bring them in."
I scrunch my eyebrows together and then fully turn around to face the door.

Great, he's going to send his guards in to drag me out of here and into the pits of hell.

I clench my one good fist and raise my chin as challenge as the door handle silently turns and the thick door swings open.

"Katie!" I close my eyes and whisper a defeated 'no' as Dana comes barrelling into the room and wraps her small arms around my stiff form.

No, no, no!

With shaking arms I slowly lift my one good arm and tentatively wrap it around her waist and hold her tightly against me, squeezing strongly but Dana only returns the eagerness and gives me a small smile in return.

"I told you that I would meet you here." She whispers as she allows her curious gaze to start assessing the room.

I keep my back to the Rosik's Father and before she can glance over I stand taller and give my head a firm shake signalling her to stop peering around.

In my head is a faint thumping, getting louder and louder as I force my eyes away from my cousin and towards the open door.

Standing at the front is Rosik, his hulking form is nearly completely blocking out the two other men but he quickly shuffles into the room and stands at the desk, locking eyes with his father, a warm smile gracing his lips.

Next is Axel who tentatively wanders in and I can easily tell that the jet-lag is hitting him hard as a yawn bursts through his lips.
He eyes the couch hungrily but shakes his head to awaken and stands on the opposite side of the room to Rosik.

Finally there is the man I've been waiting to see.
In all his tentative glory he lurks in the doorway for a moment until the muscle guy from earlier shoves him forward and closes the door quietly behind him.

My eyes cut into him and I've never felt the urge to hurt someone as badly as what I do in this moment.
Avoiding my glare completely Oliver leans against the door and attempts to smirk at the room but it looks more like a grimace as a muscle ticks in his jaw.

"I hope you enjoyed your journey." Rosiks Father states blandly and Rosik is quick to start thanking his Father for seeing them straight away.

I find the formal way Rosik is treating his Father as odd but based off of what little he has told me of his Father Rosik has been brainwashed and conditioned to strive to constantly impress his parent or else bare the extreme consequences.

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