Chapter 8 ~ Say Cheese.

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Although I'm still stuck in my undoubtedly smelly clothes I'm at least relieved to have my skin clean.

I just have time to brush my fingers through my hair before the bathroom door is pushed opened with no warning.
A knock would have been nice but I quickly dismiss my frustration and pull Dana away from the door and safely behind me.

This time it's Axel and smirking at my protective stance he throws two plastic rectangles my way.
I've never been competitive enough for sport but I've always had good reflexes so I manage to catch both before they fall.

Inside the packaging are two toothbrushes and before I have a chance to look back up at Axel I feel another object hit me hard in the forehead and fall to the ground with a soft thud.

Fighting the urge to rub my throbbing forehead I distract myself by picking up the other object.
Thankfully it's toothpaste and with the seal remaining unbroken I pass Dana a toothbrush and the toothpaste from behind, still forcing myself to face Axel.

From what I've gathered, Axel likes trouble.
Axel gets bored easily and will do anything to push others buttons.
He knows my weakness, both the men do and so I have no doubt that Axel is just waiting for another chance to get at Dana, to get to me.

"Sorry Hun, the sun was in my eyes when I threw that one." I can tell by Axel's tone that he's trying to goad a reaction out of me.
He obviously wasn't pleased with my mundane reaction but if that's what irks Axel then I'll happily continue being boring.

Give him a taste of his own medicine. Both these men need a reality check and need to realise that they aren't Gods.

Turning slowly and ensuring that I can see Axel through the mirror reflection I hastily open the packaging just as Dana places her own toothbrush in her mouth.

Once opened and still keeping a close eye on Axel I copy Dana's movements and within seconds I have my matching brush cleaning my grateful teeth.
The minty froth filling my mouth reminds me that I haven't eaten in twenty-four hours and the dull ache of hunger begins to make its appearance.

However getting one meal a day is Axel's idea of spoiling us so I doubt that we'll see any signs of a brunch anytime soon.

"You ladies scrub up nice, when you're not covered in dirt and tears." Axel jabs once more.
I would have remained stoic, his words are actually quite easy to block out but when he begins strolling into the already crowded bathroom I feel the hairs on my neck stand up.

Dana is in the process of spitting out her toothpaste but with Axel looming I lightly shove her over and spit out my minty substance before spinning back around.
I can still feel a slight fur to my back teeth and would have loved nothing more than a few more seconds to feel completely clean but that would have been a privilege in this situation and privileges are proving to be rare.

"How long will we be in this house for before we go to the airport?" I blurt, not liking the glint in his eyes. Thankfully my question stills him and I relish in his look of confusion, for once I'm one step ahead of him.

"Airport?!" Dana whispers harshly behind me and I nod in response.
Dana is the more likely to get out of this situation so the more she knows the better.

"These two are hoping to fly us off to Russia with their private plane. That's where their base of sorts is."
I clarify, I vaguely hear Dana gasp behind me but there is nothing I can do to calm her right now.
She may need the truth the find me if she gets away.

"I swear to God if Rosik doesn't keep his fucking mouth shut..."
Axel murmurs and stomping over to us Axel grabs my forearm roughly.
I make sure not to flinch and allow him to tug me out of the room.

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