Chapter 9 ~ Flicker of Hope.

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After the awkward photoshoot that I only scowled through, no matter how much Rosik begged for a smile we were actually allowed to have a second meal of the day.

Well it was everyone else's second and my now much anticipated first.
After shuffling through the drawers and looking at the basic rations we decided to make ham and cheese toasted sandwiches over the stove.

After they were prepared two of the plates were then served to Rosik and Axel.
We were then led back to the bedroom by Rosik with our plates and locked back in the bland prison.

The sandwiches were pretty phenomenal though, if I do say so myself.

Now we've been in this room for what I'm guessing to be well over five hours. Dana thankfully was invested in Pride and Prejudice and remained captured by the stained pages for the last few hours.

I however am far too distracted to be tempted by the inked tales and I'm lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. The key to freedom is still burning into my hip.
I wanted to reveal our ticket out of this hell the moment the bedroom door was closed behind us but I held myself back.

I needed a solid plan before raising Dana's hopes and finally after all these mind numbing hours of plotting I'm finally confident in our slither of a chance at escape.

Sitting up using my elbows I glance down at Dana who has the novel very nearly pressing against her nose.
I've had suspicions for the last few months that Dana's vision is starting to deteriorate and I make a mental note to talk to her Dad about getting glasses the moment that we're out.

"Dana, can you come up here?" I barely murmur the words but Dana still jumps at the sudden noise piercing through the thick silence.

Dana wordlessly puts down the book, doggy earring the page in the process. Which I choose to ignore seeing as there aren't exactly a stash of bookmarks hidden somewhere in the room.

As Dana scoots up on the bed until she is leaning on the pillows next to me I let a small smile lift my features. Positivity is vital in this situation and thankfully with a vaguely filled stomach I can feel my overall view on the world become brighter.

"Who do you prefer? Mr Darcy or Mr Bingley?" Dana's eyes light up at the innocent question that I mainly use just to make sure that Dana doesn't look too closely at my smile which is ignoring my positive thoughts and is already dulling.

"Umm, Mr Darcy! He's mean and degrading but that's just how he portrays his feelings toward Elizabeth. He doesn't mean it, surely!?" I shrug my shoulder nonchalantly, not wanting to give away the plot and Dana groans in response, she's never been the patient type.

Leaning closer to Dana I reach into the waist band of my jeans and pausing to make sure that no noises can be heard outside of the door I eventually pull out the hidden object and raise it to Dana's eyesight.

"Dana, I have a plan to get us out of here." I state, Dana's reaction is what I expect it to be and that's pure confusion and disbelief.

In my left hand is one solitary candle, no handle or anything.
Just a cylinder of wax with the string at the top.
It does look pretty sad but I'm confident in my plan.

"Both the men reek of cigarettes. Which means that they're bound to have a lighter or better yet a match which we can use to light the candle."
I begin and Dana reaches out to hold the candle which I let her.
I sit up and make sure to block any view from the door if someone decides to barge in.

"Then what? Sway with the lit candle while you serenade them to let us go?" Dana quips and this time a smile finds its way onto my face easier.

"No, we'll then use it to open the window in the lounge room. The hatch is covered in multiple layers of thick paint. We could melt the first few layers then we can use my car keys to force the window to open and badda-bing badda-boom, freedom."
I click my fingers at the end and now that I've finally voiced my plan I now have no doubt that it will work.

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