Chapter 20 ~ Tick Tock.

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The rest of the day drags on painfully slow.

Rosik wasn't kidding when he said yesterday that he would be keeping a 'closer eye' on me.
Rosik has barely left the room all day.

Hours have passed and the time has mainly been spent in silence.
Rosik attempted to ask me more questions again but I'd either ignore him or counter them with questions of my own which he wasn't willing to answer.

With there being extremely limited places to sit Rosik remained by my side and as I predicted my arm long ago had gone numb under his weight.

"I need to go to the toilet." I finally mumble, my voice cracking slightly from the lack of use and water but I'm not stupid enough to ask for any water from Rosik.

Never again.

Rosik cuts his eyes to me which previously were glued to his phone which he was reading on.

The temptation drove me insane watching him fiddle with something that could save Dana and myself in a few swipes but I managed to swallow my frustration and refused to so much as look at his phone.

Switching off his phone and pocketing it he pulls out a key from around his neck and I log that handy piece of information away as he holds it in his hand.

"No claws Kitty." Rosik warns and I give him the biggest most sarcastic grin I can manage.

I don't plan on starting any issues as long as Rosik doesn't start either.

Rosik unlocks my left hand first and I instantly pull it towards my body and start rolling it while wincing until my other wrist is freed as well.
Both wrists have an angry red indent over my veins and I hiss as I run my fingers over the angry flesh.

Rosik reaches over to grasp my hands and out of instinct I pull back and glare at him.

Rosik raises an eyebrow challenging me and knowing that it's better to comply right now I slowly hold out my hands and let Rosik assess them.

"You should have told me that they were too tight Kitty!" Rosik gushes and to my disgust he begins peppering kisses over my hands.
I clench them and look over his shoulder at the door, breathing deeply through my nose.

"You shouldn't have had me in them in the first place." I counter swiftly before lightly pulling my hands away after a few more generous seconds and I quickly pull myself into a standing position.

The throbbing in my head passed a long time ago however as I stand I get a sudden dizzy spell that almost causes me to fall back onto the bed, but Rosik was expecting this and caught my arm.

"Careful! You haven't had any food or water for nearly twenty four hours.." Rosik rushes out as my sight focuses again and I remain tight lipped as I rip my arm out of his grip.

I begin walking towards the door, taking small steps to start with but after finding that my head is remaining clear I pick up the speed and make it to the door in record time.

Rosik is right on my heels but makes no move to stop me as I open the door and make my way into the hallway.
I'm tempted to walk around the house to find Dana, I can hear the tv in the distance but besides that the house is silent.

My hesitation costs me though because Rosik grabs my upper arm and this time my pulling doesn't loosen his grip. Tugging me quickly down the hallway we walk towards the bathroom, Rosik only pauses to get a towel from the cupboard in the wall and shoves it into my arms.

"You might as well take a shower while you're in there." I nod in agreement, actually excited at something Rosik has said.

I'm still covered in dirt and branches from yesterday's escape and I have no doubt that I look horrendous.
I have no intention to look good for my captors but I'm sure that sprucing up my appearance will lift my morale some-what.

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