Chapter 19 ~ Cuff Luck.

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I awake with a start.

I don't wake up slowly and groggily and wait for the fog in my mind to pass.

I wake up alert and ready to fight.

I sit up quickly in my position..
Only to be flung back down again roughly.

In a matter of five seconds I notice three very important factors about my current situation.

1. I'm in a foreign bedroom, slightly bigger than the one I was used to.
It's darker and has a small window covered by large dark drapes.

The large bed I'm in is still old and creaky but has far more blankets and therefore much warmer.
The room is bare of any personal belongings.

There is a vanity mirror across from the bed and a suitcase opened lazily on the floor.
Revealing what I presume to be Rosiks clothes.
The door is shut but like I expected has no lock which makes me relieved.

2. As I stare at the vanity table mirror across from me I notice the reason why I couldn't get up off the bed and it's latched around my wrists, taunting me. Thin yet powerful cuff's are secured around my wrists, loose enough to not draw blood to my relief.

The cuffs are locked around the bed post's on either side of me and after a few attempts at tugging I realise that the bed only makes louder creaking noises and doesn't budge.
Not wanting to draw attention nor Rosik for that matter to myself I quickly stop making noise.

As I slouch further into the blankets due to a chill in the air I notice my third and most alarming factor.

3. Somebody has changed my clothes and I'm presuming that somebody to be Rosik.

I see red and I can't help but burst with pure rage.

I start yelling and screaming loudly, I don't even know what I'm saying but all I know is that it's directed at Rosik and it's covering all the things that I want to do to him when I see him next.

Trust me when I say that it's not going to be pretty.
My head is pounding, an aftermath I'm assuming of the drug so as much as I want to scream until my throat is raw I have no choice but to go quiet only after a few minutes.

My heaving chest has forced the thick blanket covering me to drop down to my waist and I stare at myself in disgust.

Like I expected the dress that Rosik 'chose' out for me is two sizes smaller than what I would usually pick purely for comfort sake.
I can feel the thin fabric digging into my back and I squirm to try and lessen the constrictive material.

I force my eyes to assess my body.
I ignore how my usual average breasts are being lifted and being made fuller to the point that I'm scared the buttons holding the dress together down the middle may pop.

I can see one of my bra straps has slipped slightly off my shoulder and I'm grateful to see that my bra is the same. I close my eyes and breathe heavily through my nose, he better not have fucking changed my panties.

Not that I can tell from this situation and with my limited movement I can't even shuffle to attempt to tell.

The door begins to open and I continue to breathe heavily through my nose as I glare harshly at the opening door and if this was a cartoon then I'm sure that literal steam would be bursting from my ears.

Rosik pokes his head around the frame of the creaky door and I open my mouth to hurl more insults.

"Ah, ah ah!" Rosik quickly cuts me off before I can release my horrid words and tugs another form into the room.

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