Chapter 15 ~ Brawl.

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As I hear the water turn off I harshly scrub my face, wincing at the pressure on my sensitive cheeks and manipulate my expression into a blank canvas.

Deciding to investigate and potentially censor the bag of goods I decide to have a look at what Rosik has bought before giving it to Dana.

These two are traffickers, abusers and I still haven't ruled out murderers yet due to their calmness around a gun. For all I know the items in this bag could be stolen from an unlucky victim, still drenched in blood and fear..

I shake my head, banishing my morbid imagination and quickly shuffle through the bag.

I only expected a few packets of pads but as I start lifting up items I'm shocked to see that Rosik practically went on a shopping spree.
Inside the bag is two packets of plain label pads and most mortifying two new outfits for Dana and I.

I slowly lift up the first dress and I instantly know that it's far too small for me.
There is no way that Rosik could possibly get our sizes right but I'm guessing judging by the length that he got this for Dana.

It's a simple dress, the tag states that it's from an op shop but the quality seems to be brand new.

It's what I'm assuming to be just about knee length with quarter sleeves.
It's a full denim dress with buttons running from the top of the dress and the buttons will likely cut off at Dana's bellybutton.

The denim feels soft and I can tell that originally it's from a pretty fancy brand before it was discarded by another teen.

My heart hurts as I think of the life the previous owner could be having.
A normal life perhaps filled with love, lessons, school and teen gossip.
All the things Dana should be focusing on right now and relishing each moment of within her turbulent teens.

Sitting that aside I pull out the next dress and with a sinking feeling in my chest I know that Rosik picked it out for me.

It's a few sizes larger than Dana's but I still know that it's smaller than what I usually choose.
I'll fit into it but I know that it'll be extremely form-fitting which I have no doubt was Rosiks plan all along.

It's an emerald dress which in normal situations I would definitely look twice at purely because I know how well emerald works with my red hair.
But I would never purchase this dress due to the size.

I can already tell that this dress will barely reach mid thigh, it has two thin straps which are supposed to hold the dress up but I'm extremely doubtful.

The dress itself has a spiral pattern all over it and the fabric is lacy and smooth to the touch.
Just like the last dress there are buttons lining the centre but instead of ending midway the buttons on this dress trail all the way down to the bottom of the dress.

All and all the dress screams the word 'easy-access' and that makes me highly uncomfortable.

Lastly at the very bottom of the bag there is a handful of various underwear which thankfully weren't bought in the op shop.

The contrast in the pile is nearly comical if we didn't have to wear them.

On one side of the spectrum there are various floral knickers with obnoxious bright colours and childlike prints of drawn flowers, even as a child I would have detested wearing them.

Then in the next handful there are various lacy strips of g-strings which I can't even begin to understand how they can possibly serve their purpose with so little fabric.

I fight the urge to retch as I search through the muted colours and curse Rosik with every name I know.

Sick bastard.

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