Chapter 14 ~ Trigger Happy.

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I walk into the kitchen cautiously, still very much aware of Axels emotional fragility.

Dana is sitting at the cheap wooden table, legs pressed together and her hands are balled up in the fabric which is being held tightly against her waist.

Her hair is covering her face like a shield and my fingers twitch with the need to tuck it behind her ears to show her beautiful face.
But I can more than understand why she'd want to hide from these men so I leave her.

I lean next to the doorway silently. Neither of them notice I'm in the room yet and so I remain unseen and survey Axel.

He is a hulking man.
He's nowhere near as physically fit as Rosik but his sheer size makes up for the lack of muscle.

Axel is the kind of guy that needs to duck into doorways and physically can't sit without taking up both armrests.
He has stubble growing but I can tell that it's due to lack of self-care and not as a personal look.
It's patchy in places and unevenly shaved across his side-burns.
His light brown hair is tied back in a messy bun like usual but even from here I can tell how oily it is.

This man really is just a pig in human skin.

Now it's Axel turn to fiddle with the camera which is precariously on the stand and facing in Dana's direction. From his creased eyebrows I can tell that technology isn't his strong suit as he continues to jab his thick finger at the petite, cheap camera.

While I'm disappointed that Axel wasn't stupid enough to let Dana actually call her Dad I'm not shocked by any means.

This could still work to our advantage if Dana could think of something to say to hint at our whereabouts.

However as soon as that scheme crosses my mind I toss it aside.
What clues could we possibly offer?
In the country side?
In an abandoned farm house?
Or even better surrounded by bush lands?

I'm sure they'll find us in no time.

"Right. I think that's set up. Now do you remember what I told you? This isn't a live stream so if you deter off the script then I'm just going to start again." Axel promises with a raised eyebrow and Dana finally pushes some hair behind her ears and stares at the camera with a firm nod.

Returning that nod with far less energy Axel clicks a final button and steps back from the camera mouthing the words 'action' and letting a smirk lift his lips slightly.

I remain by the door but hunch over slightly as soon as Dana begins her speech.
Each word punching me harder and harder in the gut.

"Dad I love you so, so much. I'm doing okay and so is Katie. We have been taken to be sold elsewhere and I-I need you to stop looking for u-us."
Tears begin streaming down Dana's face and mirroring Dana my own tears fall, the treacherous drops soon drip off of my cheeks.

"You w-won't hear from us again so stop t-trying. If you don't remove all our pictures from the media then the p-people who have us will provide you with new photo's to post of u-us. Photos that you don't want to see."
I bristle slightly at the choice of threat and glare at Axel's back as he stares intently at the camera screen.

It's hard to resist the urge to run towards the front of the camera and start calling out to my loved ones.

I experience a brief moment of jealousy as Dana pours her heart and soul into her message.
Her eyes contradicting the message and begging to be helped.

I want a moment to be vulnerable, I want a moment to pour out my heart and demand all the support that I know I need.

I don't want to be responsible and I don't want Dana's life to rest on my shoulders.     

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