Chapter 4 ~ Deadly Pull.

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After a few hours I couldn't help but fall asleep, being locked in a sound-proof room with nothing but the vibration of the van to entertain your senses is far from stimulating.

I tried to stay awake, knowing that Dana would need the support when she woke but I could no longer fight my body as the adrenaline wore off after my last interaction with the men.

As I slept, I dreamt of all the horrific things that these monsters had planned for me.

Ransoming me for money, auctioning my body, mutilating my body or simply raping me then leaving me somewhere to rot, just to name a few options.

I refuse to share these scenarios with Dana, if any of these scenarios happen then I will fight with every fibre of my body to make sure that Dana does not experience a single thing.

I know what I can handle, my body is a tool that I know how to use and I will do so to protect the ones I love.

After roughly another three to four hours I'm suddenly jolted awake, erasing the ghastly grins of the men and their greedy hands instantly.

"Katie! Katie, please! Please, wake up!" Rising from my half slouched position from the wall I waste no time in opening my arms and clenching Dana in my embrace.

I shake off the fog of sleep and clutch her tighter, hating the way her sobs sink deep into my flesh.

"Shhhh, shhh! It's alright, we're alright. We're together." I whisper softly, glad to have her conscious and with seemingly no mental damage from the trauma to her head.

I need to calm her down as much as possible to ensure that when she has the chance to run that it's the best chance.

"I tr-tried to run, but he caught us! I h-helped Flynn over a fence but then he got me!" I nod my head and whisper how good of a job she did and begin slightly rocking, not just to calm her down but to quench my own need to burst out.

Suddenly the van begins shaking erratically and striking a guess I assume that we are driving over gravel.

Clenching my fists behind Dana's back I hold her even tighter and keep her pressed against me until the van finally rolls to a stop and the engine is shut off.

"Dana listen to me, we are going to be okay. I'm going to keep you safe. When the doors open I want you to stay behind me at all times, do not look or speak to them unless I tell you to.
If at any point I say to run, you run towards the nearest exit and promise me not to look back."

I release my torrent of instructions so quickly and lowly that even I couldn't hear all the words but our time was running out.

Dana whimpers in reply and taking that as a sign of verification I softly pull her back and stare into her bright blue eyes, glimmering with tears.

An imaginative clock is ticking down in my head and I press my lips to her forehead and quickly pull her up and drag her behind me.
Just as I go to release my hands from her shoulders I finally hear the doors unlocking, coinciding funnily enough with the clock in my head.

The doors creak as they open and vaguely I can hear the whistle of the wind and a lone bird cawing for its life.

Dana's eyes grow wide and she begins dragging her eyes over my shoulder but one quick shake of my head quickly causes them to latch onto my own blue orbs.

I channel a strength from deep inside me and muster a smirk in her direction and mouth the words 'It's okay.' 
Dana can't manage a smile back but I see a light behind her eyes that assures me that she's prepared.

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