Chapter 13 ~ Bloody Drama.

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The next morning I'm not the first to wake.

At first I'm surprised as I hear Dana sit up suddenly and shuffle her way out of bed quickly.
Then I'm alarmed as I hear her mutter 'shit' under her breath.

Dana isn't one to swear, at least not around me so I'm quick to peel my eyes open, ignoring the urge to clamp them shut once more and stiffly pull myself into a sitting position.

The room is pitch black and I instinctively know that it's before five in the morning.
That's the time I normally wake up, this is still night time.

I glance at the door warily ensuring that it's still locked shut and not the reason for Dana's distress.
I knew it would be before I squinted to confirm, my whole body breaks into goosebumps the moment either of those men enter my space, I would know in an instant if they entered here.

I spot Dana's silhouette by the window and from the faint moonlight I watch in silence as she stares down her body.

Thinking that maybe something bit her in the bed I turn and examine where she slept.
I wouldn't be surprised to find a fair few creepy crawlers in this abandoned house, I was just trying not to focus on it while I'm forced to stay here.

Instead however my eyes latch onto a small but noticeable dark patch on the mattress.
My tired mind takes a few extra seconds to connect the dots but when the answer is clear I feel sympathy wash through my veins.

Dana just got her period.

I'm next to roll out of the bed and landing lightly on the balls of my feet I comb my hair with my hands as I think of a solution to Dana's problem.

If I had my handbag on me then I could give her a pad straight away, I always carry at least half a packet on me at all times.

Girls gotta look out for other girls.

Obviously however that is not an option.

Looking around the room I spot the small wardrobe and silently I shuffle over to it and open the stiff doors.
It's hard to see in the dark but after blindly running my hands over the interior I'm let down to find it entirely empty.

I shudder momentarily as I think of all the germs that my poor hand has just swum through but there is no point in worrying about germs when there is no soap to fix it.

Turning around I notice that Dana has spotted me out of the bed and her brow furrows as she shields her light denim jeans from my sight.

"Katie I-I got my-" Dana's face starts burning up so to save her the humiliation I walk up and awkwardly hug her as she continues to try to cover herself.

I honestly don't care about the stain.
If my cousin needs a hug then she's getting a hug.

"Shhh it's okay. I know. Is it really heavy? Have you got cramps?"
I question worriedly and pull Dana back just enough to brush her hair behind her ears.

Her large blue eyes look up at mine, although they're not covered with tears I can still see a deep sadness in them and my own brow creases to match hers.

"It's pretty heavy. I thought I had a few more days left.. My cramps woke me up and then I felt it. They're going to be mad aren't they?" Dana whispers and I shake my head instantly not wanting to cause her more stress.

"Of course not! Just look at this room, do you really think that they care about cleanliness? I'm sure they have dealt with these... situations before. They must have." I assure her and my heart twists at the thought of how many girls have had to go through this situation as well.

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