Chapter 5 ~ Sun Rays that Lack the Warmth.

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I've always been an early riser.

Now I don't mean waking up at six or seven, I mean at five in the morning I'm usually bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to start the day.

But waking up this morning I can't help but want to clench my eyes shut and distract myself with dreams once more.

As expected the room is still dark but I know that within the hour the sun will begin to prod everyone awake, I'm assuming this because judging by the state of the house and lack of curtains the rays will surely stir the men eventually.

My eyes are used to adjusting to the dark however and I only lay still for a few moments before sitting up and assessing the room.

I probably should have searched the room last night but a part of me knew that those men would probably stay up later just to catch me in the act.

I feel much more confident snooping in the early morning and with no hesitation I roll out of the dusty double bed and land on the stiff carpet.

The bed most likely is quite nice when clean but all the rust and dust have certainly taken away the furniture's charm. But alas, a bed is a bed and by the looks of it Dana is sleeping peacefully in it.

Dana is curled up on her side, nestling into the warmth and after countless sleepovers I know that naturally she won't wake up for a few hours.

I can only hope that the men aren't early risers, I need all the time I can and Dana needs all the sleep that she can get.

In the room there is one door, leading to the hallway and one window.
The window has no opening, due to a small air vent positioned above it which filters the air constantly.
I've never seen the point in having a window that can't open and now I feel nothing but hatred towards whoever stupidly designed the shitty piece of glass.

It's not completely useless I realise though after silently creeping towards the glass and peering out at the surroundings.

Even though it's dark I can still make out some of the scenery, facing the back of the house I'm glad to see that there is no fence, just acres of land that eventually lead to a dark and unwelcoming forest.
Honestly though, if given the chance I would rather drag Dana through there then remain here.

The room is bare of any belongings.
Besides the bed there is a small wardrobe, a small sofa and bookcase sporting only two novels.
The books are old classics, Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice.

Great reads but not great weapons.

I silently attempt to turn the door handle but as expected it's locked from the outside.

I can see a dim warm light from under the door and I assume that it's from the candle in the hallway that I saw earlier.
Glancing back at Dana, I ensure that she's still sleeping soundly before pressing my ear against the cold door in hopes of hearing nothing but silence.

After a few tense seconds I feel my heart sink as muffled mumbles begin floating into focus.
Guess I'm not the only early riser.

"We shouldn't have let them have the bedroom. We have no surveillance on them." Rosik states and I can trace his voice to the lounge room which is across from the bedroom door.

"That's the only room with a lock, besides the front door. The surveillance doesn't matter, it's the security that counts." Axel replies after yawning loudly and the sound of a food wrapper being opened fills the air.

"Axel you can't survive off chocolate bars for the whole trip. We need actual food, for us and them." The thought of food causes my stomach to rumble lightly but I quickly press my hand over it, not wanting to miss a word.
I need to find out where this trip is heading.

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