Chapter 11 ~ Drown My Sorrow in Carbs.

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I awake to screaming.

Not mine thankfully, although as my frazzled mind starts to piece together the words being screamed I instantly wish that it was me to save my cousin the trauma.

"What did you do to Katie?! Katie please wake up! Oh God..."
I try to open my eyes and bolt up.
I try to run over to wherever my cousin is but my body refuses to respond.
All I can do is remain limp.

Dana's screaming doesn't let up and vaguely I hear another voice try to cut through the screaming.

"Shut up! Rosik, I told you to put the girl somewhere where this one wouldn't see."
It is at this moment that I realise that my head isn't on a pillow but rather another forms legs and as a hand starts stroking through my knotty curls I can guess pretty quickly who has me in their grasp.

"Get off of her and get off of me!"
Dana screams once more, her scream this time even has me slightly cringing as the sharp vibrations pierce the air.

As I cringe I feel Rosiks hand suddenly stop stroking my hair and I can almost feel his hopeful gaze on my face.
I begin to feel tingles starting to form down my limbs but besides that I'm still held captive by my bodies unwillingness to wake.

"Look, Dana right? It's getting late and we are all hungry. I let you out to make us food and that's what you're going to do. Afterwards you can see your cousin but right now you have other more pressing matters."

I hear the threat in Axels voice, his voice has lowered and there is a tinge of darkness behind each word.
The screaming has thankfully stopped and I'm guessing that they are both having a face-off of sorts.

"Katie isn't dead though right?"
I hear Dana whisper after a few beats and it tugs at my heart.
The absolute defeat and sadness in her voice is enough to shatter me but not enough to wake me as I writhe in my silent prison.

"No, she will be fine. She acted stupid and this is the result, you seem like a smart girl Dana. Don't disappoint." Axel murmurs, the relief of being able to talk at a normal volume again is clear in his voice.

"But what did she do?"
There is a moment of silence after Dana's question and I feel the candle dig further in my hip.
She should know what I was doing, I was following the plan.

"What did she do Rosik?" I hear Axel finally question and the legs beneath me tense, not expecting the attention to be thrown at him so suddenly.

"She-She tried to run away. Thankfully I caught her just before she left the property." Rosik quickly replies and I feel my veins heat up as I hear Dana gasp.

"There! No reason to care about your cousin now. She was going to leave you without a second thought. Now for food I want-" Axel tried to steer the conversation back to himself but I've heard enough.

Jerking back to life I sit up suddenly and dash from what I now recognise to be the couch in the lounge.

"You're a fucking liar."
I spit out, glaring at Rosik and at my wobbly yet fiery stance Rosik simply chuckles and stands also.

"You had me worried there for a moment Kitty, you hit your head pretty hard." At the same time I hear Axel mumble something along the lines of 'so glad to have you back.'
Basically dripping with sarcasm but he wasn't my concern.

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