Chapter 1 ~ Blood is Thicker.

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Concentrating immensely I ease my baby, my hatchback onto the curb grimacing at the muddy puddles that I had no choice but to park in.

I had only gotten my P plates the week before and to say that the newfound independence took me by storm would be an understatement.

The day I attempted my driving test there just so happened to be a major thunderstorm with heavy rain and hail forecasted.

Taking up the challenge I still managed to pass even after an especially hefty hail piece cracked the instructors wind shield but thankfully it was ruled out due to nature causes and not my slightly over speed.

After months of saving I finally had a reason to buy my first car and I just so happened to find the perfect one the day after I got my license his name is TinTin and he is a black Ford Fiesta.

Now usually I'm quite claustrophobic and the thought of driving in a tiny car would almost give me hives but as soon as I sat down in the seat I knew that this was my car.

But of course knowing my luck I haven't been able to show him off yet to anyone due to the heavy unrelenting rain that has been barrelling down on the town for the past week, that of course didn't stop me from polishing the car or finding the perfect car scent to hang but I just didn't want to drive it and get it covered in mud so soon.

Today was the first day of clear skies and although still bloody cold I wasted no time to get in my car and drive it straight to my cousins.

In total I have four cousins, two live too far away to know and the other two live half an hour away which explains why I have such a close bond with them.

The youngest of the two is Flynn, he's ten and perhaps one of the most energetic children that I have had the misfortune of trying to keep up with.

Any mention of Star Wars or Minecraft will result in a minimum of a fifteen minute rant and trust me when I say that once Flynn starts he's near impossible to stop.
He shares his Fathers hair which is thick and light brown and even has the same chin cleft as his father which will only grow deeper with age.
Flynn shared his Mother's eyes and his Mother's bubbly/social personality. That kid could charm any crowd. Currently his hair is shoulder length to match Anakin Skywalkers and as much as his fathers hopes that it's just a phase I can see the man bun sticking around through his teen years, much to his Fathers horror.

Then you have his older sister Dana, Dana is twelve years old and as can be expected is engaged in the frustrating battle of childish whims verses teenage expectations.
Nearly identical to her brother, the only real difference is the abundance of freckles covering her pale skin and hair that hangs just above her waist.
She's a gorgeous girl and any chance I get I'm constantly telling her how naturally beautiful she is especially now before she starts delving in makeup and potentially losing herself in it.
However the first year of high school sucks and although she's only in her third month of high school Dana has already confessed to me that she is being bullied.

There is no feeling worse than helplessness and that's how I feel about the whole situation.
I graduated last year and while I know that my presence will most likely cause more drama the thought of leaving it all up to her to face makes my heart drop.

She doesn't deserve to bullied just because she prefers books over iPhone's and believes in fairies.
I'm the one who grew her imagination and now I'm finding myself fighting to maintain it.

Pulling the key out of the ignition I sigh and roll my shoulders wincing from the ache.
I currently work part time in a bookshop and as much as I love the freedom of being able to read while on the job I struggle with the heavy loads of books that I have to stack every shift.

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