Chapter 2 ~ Survival.

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I'm not really sure what I expected when I spun around to face the men.

Part of me was envisioning a movie fight scene.

A stare off twenty feet apart perhaps as I figure out my next move like in the Wild West or even to have the whole world suddenly slow down and give me enough time to defend myself against various blows Matrix style.

I've never been or seen any real fights before, but I couldn't focus on that right now.
I didn't spin around to beat them, I span around to distract them.

Sadly however there was no scream of 'action' and instantly as soon as I spun around I briefly saw two tense, greedy hands reaching for my body.

I barely had time to gasp as I side stepped out of their reach and it took everything in me not to just start running again.

The first man, the one with the long hair couldn't stop his momentum and as he missed me he slammed harshly into the dirt a few feet ahead.
Even from where I was standing I could tell that it would have hurt like a bitch, but there was no time for a celebration because the moment the first guy went down a hand firmly latched itself around my arm.

Triggering my defence reflexes that I don't even recall learning I quickly plunged my elbow into my newest threats stomach, I ignore the firmness of his stomach and lack of pain and quickly opt for option two which was to slam my head into his nose.

Now that gave me the response that I was looking for.

"Ah, shit!" The guy screamed and I was surprised by his thick accent, it sounded Russian but then again we don't get many tourists here in our little town.

My arm was abruptly released and not wanting to waste my opportunity of power I take two steps forward before spinning and slamming my foot into his stomach, propelling him into the ground like his sidekick.

His grunt of pain sends a thrill of victory through my veins but not enough to calm me down, the battle wasn't over yet.

As I turn and face the other guy who has finally gotten back onto his feet I fight the look of fear that desperately wants to stain my face as he glares at me with a look dark enough to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Not good.

Ignoring the film of tears covering my eyes I force myself to crack a smirk refusing to let the tears fall.

Easily half a block away I see Dana and Flynn still running desperately and my heart swells with pride, those kids are gonna do some great things.
However I won't attempt to ditch these two thugs until I'm well and truly sure that they've lost them for good.

"You've got a little smear, right here."
I taunt pointing at my chin as the guys mud stricken face turns into a snarl.

He takes a large step forward, easily the equivalent of two of my own and I hold his intense stare, the closer he is to me means the further he is from the ones I love.
I hear a groan from behind me but I'm not stupid enough to turn around, the man in front of me is slowly reaching me, purposely taking his time and I begin assessing his body, looking for a weak spot.

Just as I settle for his knee caps I feel a hand wrap tightly around my ankle, jolting I try to wrench my leg out of the Russian man's grip but he refuses to budge.

"Stop wasting time Axel, I've got this one, get the others!"

"No!" I scream and I'm equally as surprised as the men by the sheer volume and panic in the single word.

I watch the man apparently known as Axel stare into my wide blue eyes for a moment longer before his rage fades and a smirk eases his expression.

Without a word he turns and begins sprinting after Dana and Flynn who are metres away from turning the street corner and disappearing.
They're so close!

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