The entire week at Vegas was filled with business meetings I was forced to attend. It actually gave me a little more insight of Tristan's lifestyle. He was very respected amongst everyone. No one dared talk to him in a certain way and everyone was walking on thin ice around him. It was so chilling to see.

We came back to the house last night. Tristan has taken care of the business he wanted to so there was no point in staying there.

When I woke up, I found the best surprise at the kitchen. Tristan has brought Claire to the house.

A rush of giddiness took over me when I see her, flipping pancakes on the pan and frying eggs.

"Claire." I chirp, running over to her and startling her, giving her a tight hug. "I missed you."

"Aurora." She hugs back. "I've missed you too. How've you been?"

"Good. You?" I ask, pulling out as she grabs my hand.

"Just great. Gosh, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. How was Vegas?"

"It was great." I confess, the mention of Vegas reminding me of something I had bought. "Wait here, I got you something." I say, running out of the kitchen and hearing her giggle behind me. I go up the stairs and head towards the room. I search through my suitcase and pull out a small gift wrapped box. I run down the stairs and back to her.

"This is for you." I smile, handing it to her as she widens her eyes. "Open it." I usher her to which she looks at me.

She takes the wrapping paper off, and open the box. A gasp escapes her mouth as soon as she opens the gift I got for her.

"Ah, oh my god. How-" She chirps, shaking her head and raising her brows.

"I remember you told me about this perfume. When Tristan took me shopping in Vegas, I saw and had to get it for you." I explain as she takes the lid off the bottle and spraying some onto her wrist.

"You're so sweet. Thank you so much." She pulls me in for a hug and I hug her back as she giggles.

"You're welcome.Do you want to go sit in the garden?" I ask her and she nods, still a smile on her face.

"I have a lot to tell you." Claire states as we walk out of the kitchen.

Tristan's POV:

"Mr Black, a miss Stella is here to see you." My secretary says through the phone as I look at my laptop. I've got important matter to discuss with Stella, which is why I called her in here.

"Yes, send her in." I demand. The door opens and Stella walks in.

"Hello, Tristan." She greets, making her way to the chair in front of me and sitting on it.

"Stella, pleasure to see you again." I greet back.

"You too. Is everything okay?" She asks, worryingly and I nod.

"Just fine. There's a reason I called you in here today." I explain and she raises her brows.

"Which is?" She asks, ushering me to elaborate.

"As we both know, Aurora's birthday is coming up soon." I start as she nods her head and focuses on me. "You already know that I want her to get everything she wants." I continue, leaning back on my chair and folding my arms."The thing is she never demands anything, she never has any requests or wishes that I can grant. Or at least she doesn't tell me." I state and she purses her lips and nods.

"Yep, that's Aurora for you. She's just grateful for what you give her and never asks for more. You'll never hear her complain either." Stella states and I nod.

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