Fall At Your Feet

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I tilted my head back and laughed at the ceiling. Bek took a seat next to Seamus, looking confused as to what we were talking about. "That's not what happened, you fuck!" I continued to giggle.

"Woah!" Seamus' eyes widened. "There is a child here!" He mocked, pointing his index finger at Peony. I slapped his hand away.

"Oh shut up." I told him.

Seamus shot up from his chair, knocking it backwards. He leaned over the table to get in my face. "Excuse me?" He asked jokingly.

"You wanna go, cabrón?" I inched closer to him.

"Let's go!" Seamus yelled, swinging around the side of the table. He grabbed me by my and tackled me to the floor, pinning me down.

I laughed, trying to push him off. "You son of a bitch!" I wrapped my arms around him and puled him towards me, throwing him off guard. Quickly, I rolled to get above him and held him to the floor.

"Bastard." Seamus said, pushing at my chest. "Get off. Your'e heavy!"

No. I'm staying right here." I stated stubbornly, sitting on him.

"Do you want to get some new clothes, Curly?" Bek asked Peony, who was staring at Seamus and I.

"Yeah." She said, eyeing us suspiciously as Bek led her to the back room.

And then there were two.

"Are you going to get off?" Seamus asked.

"Nope." I laughed, crossing my arms.

Fabio sighed. "Fuck you."

"That's not a nice thing to say." I teased.

Seamus squinted his eyes and glared at me, planning his next move. He began to struggle and squirm below me, and I chuckled.

"Get off, or I'm going to..."

"You're going to do what?"

Seamus pondered for a split second, and i saw as an idea crawled into his mind. "Or I'm going to kiss you." He shot his arms up and hooked them around my neck, pulling me down.

I froze as he inched closer to my face. "Yeah right." I said in disbelief, my face suddenly growing hot.

"Not unless you get off." He said softly, cupping my chin and tilting his head. Seamus began to lean in. I stared at him amazement, unsure if he was really going to go through with his. My gaze traveled from his sky blue eyes to his lips, and I almost considered kissing him. My heart skipped a beat when he was one inch away.

But I quickly thought otherwise.

I pulled myself off Seamus, rolling to the floor beside him. "I win," he snickered. I elbowed him hard in the side. "Ow." He winced.

"Ha." I giggled.

Seamus sighed. "You know..." he said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I just had a flashback to the Rise of a Roman Empire movie night." He chuckled.

"Oh god." I laughed.

We l on the floor and laughed for a good few minutes. Peony walked in from the hall with a snow jacket, khakis, and new boots. "I'm guessing they had a kid," Bek emerged from the hallway, finding us giggling on the floor. 'What are you two laughing about?"

"We had flashbacks of Nam." Seamus blurted, and I busted out with laughter.

Bek shook her head and rolled her eyes with a smile. "You guys need to get ready so we can leave."

"I know, I know." I held up my hands in defense, still giggling. "In a minute."


I jabbed my thumb at the screen in frustration.

I really shouldn't have brought my phone with me. There wasn't any service anywhere. And it wasn't like were were walking in the middle of nothingness, we were actually near a city. Service wasn't existent anymore.

I groaned as I slid the device into my pocket. I had looked at the weather, checking if it was going to get any more cold.

Snow descended from the sky as our feet crunched in the crushed ice, walking down another highway. Every once on a while, a cold gust from the north would hit us in the backs, causing us to shiver. Peony stood between Seamus and Bek, holding both of their hands. I smiled at the thought of Seamus warming up to the little kiddo.

"So when are you going to sing for us?" I asked Peony.

Her eyes widened at the sudden question. She gave me a nervous smile. "I don't know."

"Eddie, don't pressure her." Seamus said, and I glared at him.

My eyes traveled back to Peony. "If I sing for you, will you sing for me?"

She hesitated. "Okay?" It almost sounded like a question.

I cleared my throat and stood a little straighter. Rotating my shoulders, I stretched my neck. "Sorry. It's been a while." I stalled.

"Oh, hurry up." Seamus nudged my arm. He gave me an assuring smile and nodded his head.

"Right." I said.

I took a deep breath, "I need your attention, and a little of your time.

"I won't fail to mention that the problem here lies deep inside." I sang so softly, it was almost like a lullaby. Bek, Peony, and Seamus gave me encouraging looks to continue. I took another breath. "Take my word for what it's worth.

"I believe in you." I giggled. "I'm done."

"No!" Bek egged on. "Continue, it sounded so nice."

"Nah." I smiled modestly. "I'm good."

Seamus looked down at Peony and nudged her. "I believe it's your turn, Curly."

Peony sighed. "Kay." She let go of both Seamus and Bek's hands and slid them in her pockets. She blinked a few times and cleared her throat.

"I'm really close tonight, and I feel like I've been moving inside her.

"Lyin' in the dark, and I think that I'm beginning to know her.

"Let it go. I'll be there when you call.

"And whenever I fall at your feet, you let your tears rain down on me.

"Whenever I touch your slow turning pain. Your hiding from me now."

Silence followed the stopping girl. I was taken aback by her voice. Although she sounded young, it was beautiful. "Will you continue, Peony?" I asked.

She nodded and took another deep breath.

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