Definately Time to Cut It

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Aleks has been driving nonstop for the past two days. The only breaks we've taken were to use the restroom or eat- Aleks hasn't slept at all.

I guess he was too tired to realize that we were COMPLETELY OUT OF GAS.

So there we were, in Maquon, Illinois. The Jeep slowed down as we traveled down the torn up town.

And Aleks commented the legendary remark of, "Oh shit." And we all face palmed majorly, because Aleks' tired ass forgot to fill up the Jeep with gas.

I made sure to give him a round of applause.

We all exited the vehicle, wearily, examining our surroundings. This town seemed to have been overrun a while ago. Wrecked cars were everywhere: upside down, in people's yards, you name it. The windows of houses were shattered, and blood covered the streets. A few dead bodies with bullet holes through their heads were lying around. It was absolutely sickening. Also, coincidentally, the only gas station in this area was blown up.

I once again gave Aleks another round of applause.

"Congratulations," I clapped. "You have officially gotten us stranded."

The Russian had dark bags under his eyes, and he honestly looked half awake. He leaned against the car, a bit off balance.

"I'm sorry..." Aleks mumbled, as he strayed to tip backwards. James luckily rushed towards and caught him before he hit the ground. I jogged over to Aleks, feeling a bit guilty for what I had said.

James placed the back of his hand on Aleksandrs' forehead. "You guys, he's heating up."

"Dehydration?" Spencer asked.

"Probably," James answered. "Go get some water."

Spencer went to the trunk of the Jeep and returned with a plastic bottle of water. He handed it to James. "Here."

James lifted Aleks into the passengers seat of the car, and fed him the water carefully. With the bottle half gone, he handed it to Bek.

"I need you to watch him." He said. "The rest of us are going around the town to look for gas."

"We are?" Seamus asked.

James nodded. "Yes." He focused back on Bek. "You can handle this idiot, right?"

"Yeah." Bek said, climbing into the drivers seat. She grabbed the bottle and fed Aleks more water.

I walked to the back of the Jeep and opened the trunk to get my backpack. I made sure that I had my flashlight, pistol, and knife before I slung it over my shoulder.

In the back of my mind, there was an eerie feeling that something was bound to go wrong within the next hour.

James, Seamus, and Spencer joined me on the back of the Jeep, grabbing the necessary supplies for our little 'side mission'.

Closing the trunk of the Jeep, James ordered, "It would be safer to search around in pairs. I'll look around with Spencer."

I nodded in agreement to his decision, and Seamus did the same. Our two groups split, and Seamus and I looked for a nmdecent place to seach.  I walked towards a two story house with my former streaming buddy at my side.

The house almost looked perfectly normal; maybe the family had fled before Maquon went to shit. I opened the fence gate and walked to the porch. Seamus tried to open the door, but it was obviously locked.

"Maybe they have a back door," I suggested, and we walked around the house.

The back door was also a fail.

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