Side Bonds

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I searched through the library of VHS tapes on the book shelf. Skimming my finger past the tens of children's movies, I came across I Love Lucy. I nodded in approval, knowing that the show wasn't half bad. Pulling it off the shelf, I slid the tape out of the box and waved it at Seamus.

"Lucy?" I asked.

He nodded. "Sure."

Peony stared at the black tape, the most puzzled expression on her face. "What is that?" She asked.

"I Love Lucy." I simply said, preparing to slide it into the old TV.

"I know the show. But what's that box?" She still looked confused.

My expression fell flat as the two mid-twenty year old's in the room slowly turned our heads to look at the child. An embarrassed expression appeared on her face.

"You're kidding, right?" Seamus said in monotone, phased by the words that came out of Peony's mouth.

"These," I shook the tape in my hand, "are life itself. Nostalgia to its finest."

"That is my childhood right there." Seamus pointed at the VHS, staring intensely at Peony.

"That bulky box is your childhood?" Peony asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" I yelled at the ceiling, shooting my hands in the air and almost dropping the tape.

"Shut the fuck up!" Seamus hissed. "You're going to wake up Bek."

I squinted my eyes at him. "Hey now, not around the children." Seamus rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around Peony's shoulder.

"She doesn't care." He looked down at her. "Do you Curly?"

"Uh-?" She grinned slightly.

"See? She's good." Seamus smiled. I shook my head, proceeding to slide the VHS into the TV. The screen grew fuzzy, and then the show suddenly appeared on the screen; black and white.

I sat beside Peony, leaning my elbow on the arm rest. We enjoyed the old sitcom. It cracked me up when Peony didn't understand a few jokes Lucy or Ethel would say. So naive, I'd think.

Seamus ended up falling asleep, and Peony tried staying up as long as she could. When it hit midnight, I told her to head off to bed, which she happily did. As she drowsily stood from the sofa, Seamus' limp body fell to the cushion beside me. I giggled, shaking his shoulder. "Hey, wake up." Peony walked into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

The blonde groaned, adjusting himself into a better position to sleep.

"I don't want to have to carry you." I claimed, but the sleepy Fabio didn't seem to care. I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "Fine. You win."

I could have sworn, I almost saw a grin on his face, but it quickly disappeared before I could assure myself. I rose from the couch and leaned over Seamus. Scooping him into my arms, I grunted as I pulled him up. "God you're so heavy." I began walking down the hall.

"Oh shut up." He mumbled, slightly opening his eyes.

"Hey. You stay asleep or I'm going to drop you on the floor." I told him, chuckling.

Seamus snickered in my arms as I struggled to open the bedroom door. Finally swinging it open, I walked to the white bed and lied Seamus on the soft comforters. Patting his shoulder, I said, "Goodnight, Sir Seamus of Halo."

"Fuck you," He said sleepily, rolling to his side and adjusting his pillow.

I busted out a laugh so loud, it probably woke all of the neighbors.

It was still pitch black outside.

My back ached from sleeping on the flat, white floor. I was given a pillow and a blanket- that's it. Definitely not enough support. I peeked my head over the bed beside me, finding a vacant mattress. Seamus was absent, but at the moment I honestly didn't give two shits.

I hopped onto the soft surface, crawling under the covers and hugging the comfy pillows at my head. I took a deep breath, slowly imagining myself melting away beginning at the tips of my toes. As I drifted off to sleep, I disintegrated, slowly but surly disappearing into thin air.

But my process was interrupted as I felt the bed shake; someone was climbing in.

"Seamus?" I turned my head, checking if it was him.

"Yeah?" He asked, half awake.

"Where were you?" I yawned.

He sighed, turning to his side. "Nowhere."

I was too exhausted to question him, so I accepted his answer. I wasn't even phased by the fact that we were only inches away from each other, lying on the same bed. Sleep was sleep; I needed it.


There are just those little moments that I can't seem to continue off of. We'll call them Side Bonds. Expect more of these cute fillers in the future.


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