A Town Gone to Hell

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We exited the Interstate Highway and got onto the 40 freeway. Although we were still in the National Park, it wasn't long until we'd meet with civilization.

"We need to make a sharp right when we exit the 40. Then we head straight for Loveland." James informed us from the back seat.

"Where's that?" Spencer asked.

James glanced at his map, "It's north of Denver."

"Do you think Loveland is safe?" I worried.

"What if it got overrun?" Aleks asked.

James hesitated. "I guess we'll just have to wing it. If there are a ton of mobs up there, then we'd need to make a detour."

I was unsure about that plan, but I guess it's what we'd have to do.

Aleks needed to use the restroom, and everyone was fairly hungry.

We exited the freeway about twenty minutes ago, and we were approaching a small town while heading East. Everyone in the car voted on stopping by Carl's Jr to eat. I parked in the small parking lot, and everyone hopped out of the Jeep and walked into the Fast Food resurant.

Spencer offered to pay for all of our food. To be honest, I didn't even know he had money with him. While Aleks went off to do his business, Spencer ordered, and the rest of us found a table in the corner of the room.

I sat by the window across from Seamus, and James sat next to me. I watched the people walking around outside. How fucking clueless could they be? I thought. Don't they watch the News? The citizens just strolled along, consumed in their normal lives.

Aleks returned from the restroom and took a seat next to Bek.

"Guys, after we're done eating, I want to put gas in the Jeep." He told us.

Spencer had just arrived with our food. We all nodded in agreement to Aleks' statement. There was actually a gas station across the street, so it wouldn't be a problem.

I grabbed my Angus burger and order of large fries off of the black tray that set in the middle if us. Making sure to savior every bite, I began eating. Looking around the table, I noticed everyone's emotional states. Bek and Seamus looked scared- horrified. Aleks had a blank, neutral face; he might have been in shock from the recent events. James and Spencer both had poker faces, I couldn't tell what they were thinking. Besides all of their looks, I'm sure they were all on edge. And as for me, at the moment, I worried about my family. I was also nervous about encountering a zombie, but I sadly knew it was inevitable. I didn't want to slip up and drop my gun or knife or something.

I suddenly felt a light tap on my left shoulder. Looking at James, I noticed he was still eating. I then turned around and found someone leaning towards me from their seat.

It was a tall, middle aged man with short, light brown hair and green eyes.

"Yes?" I tried to ask politely.

He stared at my group with a worried expression. "Are you guys from here?"

"Um, no." I informed him. "We're from Littleton."

His eyes widened. "So you guys were there when it all happened..."

I shuddered. Did this guy escape the epidemic too? "Yeah." I said hesitantly. "We seemed to get out just in time. Hey, do you know why no one in this town is freaking out and trying to flee or anything?"

"Someone had told me they didn't have any television service out here." The stranger told me.

"You're kidding," I said, surprised. "I guess they do live in he middle of bum fuck nowhere."

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