An Afflicted World (Pilot)

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"I'm leaving." I stood in the doorway of Seamus' office.

He nearly choked on his Pepsi.

Today, I retired from the Creatures. It was a difficult decision I was hoping I'd never have to make, but my family needed me, and family comes first. They lived across the US- in Florida. I knew that if I moved to the East Coast, I wouldn't be much help to the guys here in Colorado, so I sadly decided to resign.

Seamus turned his head to the doorway, his long hair not far behind. I don't understand why he never cut it. I swear, one day, it's going to be the death of him. "What do you mean by that?" He questioned with a worried look on his face.

"I just got done packing up all of my things in my office. I already said goodbye to everyone."

Seamus slowly twisted in his chair to my direction. He sat in silence with a shocked expression.

"I'm heading to Florida." I continued, "My family is going through some difficult times. I need to be there."

"How long have you been planning this?" He asked.

"For too long." My gaze traveled to the floor. "I spoke with Jordan about it a couple weeks ago."

He just stared. For a moment, he was in his own world, lost in contemplation. This news seemed to hit him the hardest out of all of the guys. Sure, they were all shocked, but Seamus looked... heartbroken- almost. I stood guiltily in the doorway.

"I'm going to miss you, dude." He stood from his chair. Pulling me into a hug, I slowly began to regret my decision on leaving. The amazing moments I shared with Dan, Jordan, Aleks, James, and Seamus streamed through my mind. I began to remember the movie nights, conventions, recording sessions, and streams. We were given so many opportunities, we had so much fun. We fucked around to our hearts content!

And as I returned back to the present, I replied, "I'm gonna miss you too, Seamoose." I grinned. "I'll be leaving in a few weeks, so if you ever want to stop by until then, just come over." I made sure to tell this to all of the guys.

Seamus pulled back from the hug and patted my shoulder. I noticed a few tears in his eyes. "See you around."

Beginning to back out of his office, I waved. "See ya."

I trudged down the hallway and gave my last goodbyes to Spencer and Bek.

Grabbing my bag, I pulled it over my shoulder and exited the office. I walked down the stairs and out the front entrance, saying goodbye to the lady at the front desk. Walking through the parking lot, I pulled my keys out of my front pocket and unlocked my car. I climbed in the drivers seat and shut the door, setting my bag in the passengers side.

And I just sat there.

I had to have been sitting there for a few minutes, staring at he feilds in front of me. Soon enough, tears began to escape from my eyes, and I choked up. Covering my mouth and wiping my eyes, I tried to not cry.

I don't want to go, I thought. I just can't leave them like this.

It was all so difficult for me. I couldn't even imagine how the group felt at the moment. What would they even do in a situation like this? What would the fans think- how would they react? We had recently asked Dex to become a Creature, and he accepted. What theory would the fans resort to when I revealed I retired and Dex revealed he joined? As much as I love and appreciate them, they jump to conclusions too quickly. It's a shame.


I wiped the tears from my eyes and put my key in the ignition. I backed out of the parking space, drove through the parking lot, and headed home.

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