The Reunion

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Christmas morning didn't have the same hype as it had in the past, the the meaningful tone that surrounded it was still present considering the current state we were in.

I rolled to my side, staring out the window at the gray clouds that weren't completely lit. The sun hasn't decided to rise yet. It snowed last night, and I was surprised Seamus remained on the floor. He let me have the bed- a gift for coming back.

"Merry Christmas, from yours truly." He announced last night, gesturing to clean white sheets. I laughed as I noticed the sleeping-bag beside my comfy marshmallow of a bed.

I snuggled into my pillow, squeezing my eyes shut and trying to block everything out except for the soft hush of the wind outside. However a certain squirming shook the bed, and I knew that could only mean one thing. I rolled to my other side a peeked over the edge, finding a drowsy Seamus with messy hair and a trail of drool off the side of his mouth. Half awake, he wiped the saliva off with his wrist and rotated to his stomach, nudging his head into his pillow.

I extended my arm over he edge of the mattress and grasped onto his shoulder.  I shook him lightly, hissing, "Wake up, Seamoose."

"Don't call me that," he mumbled drowsily and I giggled.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed a sudden flashing of lights coming through the window. My attention migrated to the outside as I moved to the other side of the beg and stepped off. Taking a few paces, I leaned forward to looked out the window. Across the street, outside the office, actually, hung Christmas lights that blinked on and off, alternating colors rapidly. "Seamus," I whispered, and he groaned in response. "Look at what they did."

Glancing back, I watched Seamus as he wearily got to his feet and stumbled to my side of the room. Glasses in hand, he rubbed his eyes and slid them on as he approached the window beside me. He focused on the lights across the street and rolled his eyes. "That's gonna give someone a fucking seizure," he muttered before falling back onto the bed. "Thanks for waking me up for that."

I smirked, realizing he probably wasn't going to move off the mattress. "One more sassy remark and you're back on the ground," I warned jokingly as I slid back into my side of the bed.

"Sorry," he yawned while stealing one of my pillows. And one more quiet, "Sorry," escaped before he dozed off.

Muffled voices sounded from the living room, making me shift in disturbance. I looked beside me, and Seamus wasn't there anymore. I assumed he was taking a shower because the sun had already risen.

I stared up at the ceiling and tried to fall asleep again, but I was restless. Time ticked by slowly. I wondered who was in the living room. And as if reading my mind, the knob on the bedroom door twisted, and Seamus peeked his head in. His devious smirk made it obvious that he was up to something, but I didn't question it.

"Get up," he said, still only his head in plain sight.

"I am up," I muttered, covering my face with a pillow.

"No," Seamus said, "I mean up up. Like standing up."

I gave him a blank stare. "Why?"

Seamus sighed and fully stepped into the room, closing the door behind him with a click. With a quieter voice, as if telling me a secret, he hissed, "I have a surprise for you, and you're completely ruining it." A surprise?

"You're lying." I waved him off and rolled back to my other side.

"Wanna bet?" He challenged. I turned my head and glanced at his face, which was surprisingly serious.

"Alright. Sure," I pushed the pillow off my face and stood up, leaning forward onto my snug legs under the comforter. "What do you want to bet? Limbs? 'Cause money is now obsolete." Made quotation marks with my fingers to the last word.

Seamus brought his hand to his cheek and shook his head, his patience running out. "You can't be serious," he groaned.

"Limbs it is!" I announced.

"Eddie. They're waiting-" Seamus began, but I cut him off without a second thought, ignoring his words.

"I bet you my dick that you are carrying a load of bull shit. You're just trying to get me up... which you have half successfully done."

Seamus narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "That isn't even a limb, dumb ass. And I bet you..." he pointed his finger and shoved it in my face, "...that I am not full of shit. Now come out to the living room, damnit."

I pursed my lips and furrowed my brows in contemplation, but I soon lowered my head in defeat. "Fine." I swung my legs over the edge and lifted myself off the bed.

Seamus perked up with a smile. "You won't regret this," he laughed. "It's nothing bad." He headed towards the door.

"I swear, if there's a bunch of presents under the naked tree, I'm going to kill you."

"It's better," Seamus smirked, leading me down the hallway. As we quickly got closer to the living room, I picked up the sounds of familiar voices.

My breathing stopped momentarily as I suspected who it was, and a smile formed as I entered the main room.

On the couch was James, watching T.V, and Aleks sat at the dining table with Peony. Bek leaned in the kitchen doorway to watch it all go down.

And just as everyone expected, I was ecstatic.

"OH MY GOD!" I was on the border of yelling and screaming. My eyes darted between the two, and I honestly didn't know who to question first. "When did you- how did you- what?" I had the biggest grin, and I glanced at Seamus who was enjoying every bit of this.

Aleks rose to his feet and walked over, giving me the first hug and patting my back. "It's nice to see you too, Eddie," he laughed.

I released and went to the sofa to hug James while I was at it. However, mid hug, I had a sudden realization. Backing away from James, I counted one, two... where's three?

"Where's Spencer?" I asked, and the three boys' faces turned grim. I knew automatically what was the matter, and I muttered, "Fuck." I then remembered James' mom, but I figured that would be a tough subject to bring up too.

"He was bitten a while ago..." Aleks said, and I nodded, trying to think quickly on how to lighten the mood.

I clapped my hands together and grabbed everyone's attention. "Never mind the serious things. We can discuss this later," I concluded. "Let's just enjoy... today." I gave a warm smile to ease the tension.

Now of course, I wanted to give Spencer more thought. I wanted to reveal and explain Bek's predicament. And of course, I wanted to give the most spirit-lifting news since this whole damn thing started. But, since our reunion is happening on a very special day, I think that can be an acception to pushing the downer topics aside.

"What are we going to do?" Seamus asked, shrugging and sliding his hands in his pockets. "There isn't too much to do around here." There really wasn't, but my eyes widened with an idea.

I gave a sly smile and lifted a brow at the blonde. After a few moments of contemplation, Seamus' face filled with horror, and he shook his hands out in front of him. "Oh no, we are not going there! That is an embarassment and a half on my part!"

"What is it?" James asked, sharing the same confused expression as Aleks.

"Shooting range," I smirked and glanced at Seamus who seemed fairly annoyed. "C'mon," I begged. "You need the practice, anyways." A few snickers escaped from my friends.

Seamus crossed his arms and stared out the window. We waited for a response for a long while. And as if god answered our prayers, an angel spoke up.

"Please, Seamus?" Peony pleaded. "I like the shooting ranges." His eyes shifted to Curly, and his ticked off expression slowly faded away. Could he really say no to that? I asked myself.

He gave a quick nod to Peony.

James shot his hands up in he air. "Trabajo!" He exclaimed, and the room was filled with laughter.

Already Gone [SlyPKC]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz