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I sighed with complete and utter bliss. "How often do you just get to sit back and relax like this?" I asked, and Archie shrugged, messing with our tackle box. I stretched out my legs and suddenly felt a tug on my line.

First bite.

I didn't visit Seamus for two reasons: One, being the fact that I thought the longer I'd stay away, the better the reunion would be. And Two? Well I have to straighten some things out mentally. Damnit.

I could've murdered someone when I saw snow outside this morning. Today was our fishing day, but we can't fish if it's frozen over, can we. I practically woke everyone up, snatched the fishing poles, told Archie to grab the coolers, and hauled ass to the lake that was a good twenty minute walk away.

To my surprise, the lake wasn't frozen over, which was good. Very good. Only an extremely thin sheet of ice covered the water, but I threw a rock out to it and it broke like flimsy glass. The two girls thought quickly enough to bring four small lawn chairs, which was smart of them. It wouldn't be fun get our asses wet.

As patiently as I could, I reeled in the fish- a bass. I had to constantly remind myself how lucky I was that this water was still, and I didn't have to fight against a current. The bass was being difficult as I meticulously removed the hook from its lip. "I need the cooler." I motioned to Archie, and he brought it over and set it at my feet. "I'm going to be honest with you," I said. "Every time I've gone fishing, I let them back into the water. I don't know how to store them." I gulped, placing the fish at the bottom of the cooler and scooping up a pile of snow. Falling from my hands, I buried the fish in snow, pursing my lips.

"Better than nothing," Archie noted, and I nodded. I peeked over my shoulder at the girls, and flustered expressions marked their faces as they fumbled with their hooks and bait. Rolling my eyes, I walked over and grabbed one of their poles.

"You're lucky the knot is already tied on the hook," I claimed, grinning. "They can get confusing sometimes. I'll put on he bait, just go stand by my chair." I put on some glittery rubber fish, that was basically the generic brand. I was sure they would appreciate the feminine touch, with the bit of sparkles in the bait.

I glanced up at the morning sky and took a deep breath. Only today and tomorrow, I assured myself. That's it. My eyes shifted to the two poles in my hands. "This is gonna be a pain," I muttered, furrowing my brows. Turning back to the lake, I noticed Archie already giving pointers on casting.

I walked over, tapping on either girls' shoulders and handed them their poles. "It looks like Archie's got this." I said, backing up and sitting down in my lawn chair.

Only forty more hours.


Firstly, I apologize for such a big gap from the last chapter, and the fact that this is SO short. But what do you want me to do? go into deep detail of casting into the water and reeling a fish back in like... five thousand times? I promise another chapter later this week (maybe on Thanksgiving hint hint). I just want Sly back at Koda. Don't you?
Have a wonderful day (I mean it).

Already Gone [SlyPKC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang