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"Your hair does look really nice, Seamus." I told my friend, walking down a dirt road.

"Yeah, Eddie's right. You look really good." Bek supported me.

Seamus gave us a fake smile, and I slapped him on the back.

"Come on. Brighten up! It's only hair." I said.

"It isn't that that I'm disappointed about." Seamus said in defence.

I sighed. "Then what's wrong?" I asked eagerly.

Seamus groaned and stopped walking. "I don't know. Maybe I'm mad about the weather, or maybe my legs are tired. Wait I know. WE HAVE TO WALK TO FUCKING FLORIDA!" He through his hands in the air and yelled at the sky.

Maybe I should explain a bit.

Que flashback.


We were in PA- MY HOME STATE! A city was visible in the distance, and we knew what we were getting into.

But Spencer needed to go to Connecticut.

So we took side roads, avoiding as many hostile mobs as possible. Our luck was taking us far, we dodged bodies, I took down a few obstacles from the sun roof. Everything was going smoothly... but.

There was always a but. Always.

We drove down a street, clothing boutiques and office buildings towering beside us. As we turned a corner to avoid one obstacle, we coincidentally ran into another. A mob had been chasing us, so they were not far behind. We were cornered on a three way intersection.

Our luck had officially run out.

As the zombies approached us, 100 feet away on each side, we fled the Jeep, taking only our backpacks. We sprinted for an office building. There was enough furniture inside to barricade the entrance. Electricity was non existent in this city, so we had to run up the stairwell as quickly as possible. Luckily, nothing was roaming around inside the office building.

James decided to head to the roof, he didn't think the zombies could make it up this stairs.

Oh he was dead wrong.

The rotting beings had sprinted up that stair case faster than we did. I'm guessing the barricade downstairs didn't work that well.

Aleks leaned his back against the door, trying to keep it shut as the zombies banged against it.

"Jump to the other building! I'll be right behind you!" He ordered, struggling to keep the door closed.

James was the first to hop to the other building. He did it without a problem

Spencer jumped. and so did Bek. Seamus went, and I decided to go last. I always went last.

I prepared to run, starting fifteen feet from the edge. As I began to sprint, I fumbled, and my jump failed. I hit the side of the next building, knocking the wind out of me. My hands gripped onto the ledge of the roof.

"Eddie! No!" I heard Seamus yell as I hung onto the side dizzily. I saw him peer over the edge with the most frightened look I've ever seen on him.

"Seamus, I'm slipping!" I said, trying to hold on. I saw Aleks jump over me.

Seamus franticly grabbed my hands, using all of his strength to pull me up. With his last bit of energy, he tugged me onto the roof. I fell forward and he fell backwards, and I landed on top of him. We had laid there for a long while, my head on his chest, gasping for air. I began trembling, and Seamus wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay," He whispered. "You're okay."

I slowly stood from him, helping him get to his feet.

As he came to my level, I pulled him into an embrace.

"Thankyou so much." I said, my breaths choppy.

He hugged me back, not saying anything.

As I let go, I turned towards my other friends. They stood by the ledge and gaped across at the other building.

The zombies ran across the rooftop, and when they reached the end, they tripped and fell off.

Zombies can't jump. I thought. Who knew?

We fucking hauled ass out of that city. Here was our current state:

1. Our Jeep was long gone.

2. Our food was in the Jeep.

3. So was the water.

4. So was the first aide supplies.

5. Now we had to walk.

Aleks, James, and Spencer continued to Connecticut. I told Aleks to find a walkie-talkie somewhere and to contact us as soon as possible.Their group was hitting two birds with one stone, for James' home was on the way to Spencer's.

Aleks would be on his own when the two boys were dropped off.


So we continued walking down the dirt road, heading south in general.

We didn't have a map.

We didn't have a game plan.

Our only priority was survival.

It was cold out. Winter was right around he corner, and we needed to either find jackets, our get to the south as soon as possible. But we all knew that it would take at least a month to get to Florida.

"You know, I'm really hating TFU right now." Seamus muttered.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, and I felt him tense. "Fabio-"

"Don't call me that."

"Sir Seamus of Halo-"

"Don't call me that either."

I sighed. "Why do you have to be so difficult?"

He removed my arm from his shoulder. "Just leave me alone." I stopped in my tracks, and Seamus picked up his pace. Bek stopped by my side, and we stared as our blonde mess strode angrily further and further away.

"Jesus tap dancing Christ." I rubbed the back of my head. "Some thing must have crawled up his ass this morning."

"I heard that!" Seamus yelled, twenty feet away.

Bek and I walked side by side, enjoying the view around us. We were once again surrounded by tall trees. I honestly had no idea where we were. Sure, I lived in Pennsylvania when I was younger, but I've never been to this side of PA. I sure was enjoying it though.

It was surprising that we hadn't seen one zombie on this road. It's been a week since the epidemic had officially begun. We received a call from Dan yesterday saying that it reached California, but they were prepared. Apparently, ever since the news spread to the east coast, Cali began building a tall wall on the border, and they had volunteers guard it 24/7.

At least they were in safe hands.

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