Midnight Preparation and the Breakfast Fiasco

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Oh Christmas. My favorite time of year. I always enjoyed the warmth around it, pulling me in, wrapping around me like a blanket. There was always a certain aura surrounding my old apartment this time of year. Maybe it was the tree, its lights shining brightly. Or maybe it was the burning candles, spreading the scent of pumpkin spice and cinnamon.

I'd forgotten of this holiday, this special ritual. The epidemic wiped it from my memories. But I was soon reminded of this happy time of year...

Because Koda celebrated Christmas.

It was the middle of the night. There had been a lot of noise emitting from the streets. Muffled laughter traveled through the windows, and slight jingles ringed through the air.

I'd been laying in the snow white comforters, my legs tangled in the sheets and my arms wrapped around a pillow. Seamus lied beside the bed, snoring silently. My eyes slowly opened. The laughter had traveled into my dreams, and my vividly mind knew I wasn't imagining it. I rose, stretching my back, extending my legs across the bed. Glancing to my left, I reached for my glasses on the bedside dresser. Sliding them on, I cautiously climbed off the bed in the pitch dark room.

My feet shuffled on the carpet, having me travel to the nearby window. It gave me a clear view of main street. I slid the curtain open, just slightly so I could see what was going on. It took a while for my eyes to focus, but I was in awe when they finally did.

I almost didn't see the Suits, their white uniforms blended in with the snow. The street was lit up. Christmas lights wrapped around street posts and birch trees. Wreaths hung on each building door, and a few men were carrying in tied up evergreens, stacking them up neatly in a pyramid-ish form. A smile formed on my lips, spreading from ear to ear.

Quickly, I hopped over the bed to Seamus, almost tripping over him. I knelt down and gripped his shoulder. "Seamus!" I whispered. "Wake up!" He nudged his head deeper into his pillow, trying to ignore me, so I gave up.

Rising, I moved to the hallway. I traveled down to Bek and Peony's room, and lightly knocked on their door. I heard some shuffling within the room, and soon the door clicked open. Peony stood in the door frame, rubbing her eyes tiresomely. She was just who I was looking for.

"Hey," I whispered. "You wanna see something cool?"

She lightly nodded, so I took her hand and led her to my room. Walking to the window, I slowly opened my curtains and gestured for Peony to come over. She walked to my side and peered outside. It took her a while to process what was happening.

Her eyes then widened in amazement. "Oh my gosh. That's so cool." She said in awe, a grin forming.

"I know right." I agreed.

The smell of bacon and eggs wafted into the master bedroom, causing my stomach to growl. I opened my eyes, peeking over the edge of the bed. Seamus wasn't there.

I hopped off the mattress, scratching the back of my head as I walked down the hallway and into the living room. Peony was sprawled out on the couch, watching what looked like Gumby. I shook my head and laughed at the irony.

"You like that show?" I asked her, raising a brow.

"It's... weird." She mumbled.

I yawned. "I know right."

I migrated to the kitchen, finding Seamus at the stove. He was whistling, flipping the eggs in one hand and pouring milk into a cup with the other. 

"Don't burn yourself." I noted, and he jumped from the sound of my voice. Seamus jerked his hand up, shaking it and wincing. He slammed the milk on the counter and turned. The blonde had an angry expression, and I giggled.

"Don't do that!" Seamus yelled.

I smirked. "I told you not to burn yourself, you fuck. Should've listened."

His expression went flat. "Alright. I'm eating your eggs. Have fun starving." Seamus tilted the pan, and an egg slid onto what seemed to be his plate. "Breakfast is ready!" He exclaimed loud enough to be heard throughout the apartment. Seamus strode past me, beginning to whistle again with the two eggs on his plate.

"You're kidding right?" I asked, but he kept whistling. "Seamus!"

"I can't hear you!" He yelled from the living room. "My hand is too busy burning!"

There's no way he would really... I stomped out to the living room and turned to look at the small dining table. "What the fuck. Seamus."

He rolled his eyes and smirked, giving a fake baffled expression. "You didn't even say please." He accused. I felt a headache coming on.


"No." He snickered.

I walked to his side, and he looked up at me questionably. I quickly reached down and snatched his two pieces of bacon off of his plate. "Asshole." I took a bite.

"Hey!" He rose from his seat, making me back up and run around the couch. I stood in front of the T.V, Peony and the sofa separating us.

I took another bite. "Mmm, crunchy." I complemented, savouring the bacon.

Peony groaned drowsily. "You're blocking the screen," She said in monotone, yawning.

"Go get your food, it's in the kitchen." I said to her. My eyes shifted back to Seamus, who was slowly inching around the couch to my side. Peony stood from the sofa and moved to the kitchen.

"Why are you doing this?" He questioned, annoyed.

"Why did you take my eggs?" I pestered, finishing the first strip.

"You ASS!" He screamed, running towards me and pushing me against the wall. He shot out his hand to grab the bacon, but I was the Flash. I raised my arm above my head, making it impossible for him to reach

"Ha." I teased, and his face grew red an flustered.

Seamus clenched his fists. "That's a dick move and you know it."

From behind him, Bek emerged from the hallway. She glanced at us, and her eyebrows immediately knitted together. "What are you two doing?" She placed her hands on her hips.

Seamus turned. "He stole my god damned bacon."

"He stole my eggs!" I accused, looking down at the annoyed Irishman.

Bek gave us the strangest looks. "Why don't you just make more bacon?"

"There isn't any more." Seamus claimed. "And I saved the last few strips for you and the kid."

Bek sighed and rubbed her temples. "I don't want any bacon. You two can share it."

Seamus' gaze shifted back to me, and he narrowed his eyes. "I'm not fighting over these last pieces."

I pursed my lips, glancing to my eggs. They were cold. "Well I am." I said, maneuvering around Seamus and bolting to the kitchen.

I could hear him groan behind me. "Eddie!"

Peony exited the kitchen with her small plate of food. She sat down at the table and looked at Bek. "Are they done yet?"

Bek sighed. "I don't even..." She headed into the bathroom.

I put the last three pieces of bacon on a plate and returned back to the living room. I took a seat next to Seamus, mainly to frustrate him. He glared at me, and I smiled. "Yes?"

He shook his head and continued eating his egg. Well I was feeling a bit generous. I ate a strip of bacon and put the last two on Seamus' plate, and walked away before I could see his reaction.

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