Showers and Tours

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"God damnit, Sly!" I exclaimed through the door. "Hurry the fuck up!"

"Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Halleloooooooojaaahhhhh~" He sang from inside the bathroom, completely ignoring me.

I groaned, leaning my back against the door, sliding down to the floor and gazing up at the ceiling. "Why does he do this?" I mumbled to myself. Herra found us a pretty nice aparetment. It was a moderate size, with two bedrooms and- sadly- one bathroom. Eddie and I decided to rotate sleeping spots every other night. I was sleeping in the bed first, thank goodness. He knew where the stress hit: my shoulders and back. How thoughtful of him.

I heard footsteps, and Bek appeared from around the corner. She wore freshly cleaned clothes and a towel was still wrapped around her head for her hair. She was the first one to shower. "Why were you yelling?" She asked. I pointed behind me, and the sound of Sly's voice filled a split second of your silence. She nodded, understanding the issue, and walked away.

I stood and migrated to the living room, accepting the fact that I won't have any warm water after Sly's concert in the bathroom. Stepping into the living room, I took a seat on the couch. This apartment wasn't half bad, really. The walls were painted maroon, and the carpets were cream. The kitchen had a taupe tile floor, and white counters. Every shelf, cupboard, and every dresser in his apartment was made out of mahogany wood- and that stuff was expensive.

My gaze traveled to the dinosaur television sitting on an end table in front of me. Well, not everything was completely fancy, but this was luxury to it's finest by now. I walked down another hallway leading to the bedrooms. Earlier, Bek, Eddie and I flipped a coin on which room to get: the one closest to the rest room or the one at the very end of the hallway. We hadn't checked inside of either room, so it was a surprise on what we'd find inside.

Sly and I got the one at the end of the hallway, and it was actually the master bedroom: more space, bigger closet, Victory! But Bek got a room with two beds, and she was closer to the kitchen, so I guess we each had our perks.

The master bedroom was white. Anything and everything- except for the dressers- was white or close to white. Milky lace curtains hung in front of the windows. The fluffy comforter on the bed was that of clouds. Tiny, linen lilacs bordered the sky of a bed, giving it a hint of color. On the walls hung pictures of different spots in Maryland, their frames blending in with the white paint. A cream colored lamp sat on one of the bedside dressers- our only source of light in the room. A tall mirror hung on the south wall. I'd say our room looked fairly nice, but I knew how quickly that white would turn to gray or brown from dirt.

Stepping inside the pristine room, I walked toward the window. Peeking outside, I looked at the community we've just joined. Eddie was hoping this would be temporary, but I knew him. In his eyes, no opportunity this amazing could only be temporary.

A certain muffling emmited from the corner of the room. It seemed to be coming from Sly's bag, and a smile formed as I knew what it was. Darting to his backback, I almost tripped over my own feet. I took the walkie-talkie out of the smallest pocket and brought it close to my mouth. Pressing the button, I greeted, "Hello? This is Seamus."

It took a minute for them to respond. "Holy shit. Seamus, it's Aleks."

My eyes widened to the voice. We haven't talked to them in at least a month. "Aleks!" I exclaimed.

"Woah. Calm down there, son." He chuckled.

"Sorry," I apologized. "It's just... wow. It's been so long."

"Yeah, I know. How is everyone? Eddie? Bek?"

"They're doing just fine." I said quickly. "But how are you? Did everyone get to where they needed to be?"

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